Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Male, Female and Worry

I have been hearing about the pronounced difference between the life expectancies of men and women. Reasons most often cited are the ones pointing to the differences in life style. Male choosing a comparatively harsher one and leaving the female with matters that need delicate care, like looking after children.
The justification is not enough, I think. Can this be called the characteristic male behavior? Do males assess the issues confronted, in this light? My observation told me something else. When confronted with an issue, and if an answer can be found, all males quietly pass the same, if at home, to another member, mostly a female, else, to a formal subordinate, or to others who is effectively so. 
What does this explain?
Social scientists acknowledege that biological differences alone cannot adequately explain behaviour. Both sex and gender must be taken into account. Men throughout the world continue to have higher rates of morbidity and mortality compared to their female counterparts. The result of men living shorter and unhealthier lives impacts families, communities, economies and societies. The majority of the underlying cause relates to modifiable and preventable lifestyle choices made by men. 
What makes them choose so?
I think worry, which euphemistically could be termed as one's desire 'to be seized of', or the propensity to 'maintain unwavering attention', etc. to whatever can kindle one's imagination, is the issue here. And, a relaxed outlook, is the answer. Though both men and women show these tendencies, the way these ideas manifest shows difference. 
Men by nature, take rest or recuperation, mostly in preparation for the grinding times ahead. And willingly choose issues that are difficult to solve and immerse in it. Whereas women complete whatever job is in front of them quickly, to take rest at the earliest.
Less worry = longer lifespan

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