Saturday, December 30, 2017

My Tryst with Auditing

My tryst with auditing
The best experiences I carry with me are not the ones of direct connection with the job I did, but the many instances of confrontation, I happened to land with. Though none of these had anything to do with my primary job of maintaining  aircraft, these had everything to do with other things that could have had a contributory effect.
One of the earliest instances where we had to exhibit qualities of leadership or management is when we had to act as 'divisional officers', where we need to provide all kinds of assistance to all those, who are assigned to each of us. One such occasion occurred when one of my subordinates injured himself. He at night. and in half asleep, (perhaps had one too many) went to relieve himself and happened to slip and fall in to the toilet. He got hurt, head hitting the wash basin, mirror etc, leading to prolonged hospitalization. In time, I had to raise an injury report for 'regularizing' this injury, a questionnaire. "Was the person in the performance of a duty, the non performance of which would have attracted penal action - Yes/No", and a few more of such questions. I answered "Yes" to the first one, and other questions also in such a way that this will get considered as an 'authorized' injury, permitting the individual to be treated at government expense.
Years later, when I was working in a different unit, I get a letter forwarded from the old unit with a remark "Please tell me how to answer the auditor's query, since you are the person who was here at that time". The query was about the above mentioned injury report, which read, "Please provide explanatory remarks in support of your answer 'Yes'". I think my reply was, "Had the individual not gone to the toilet to perform whatever was one's call at that time, it would have attracted disciplinary action".
The reply worked. And I liked the process involved in formulating a neutral reply to a rather vexing issue, and volunteered to 'draft' replies for such audit objections.
My interest in producing literary gems, in a working environment that is at home with relatively routine affairs, got kindled, when I was made the president of a BOI. For, every board of inquiry needs to have, in addition to the record of investigations done and, the conclusions and decisions produced as a result, comprehensive recommendations to obviate the possibility of the incident(s) occurring again.
I shall begin with my first experience, which happened during my initial training period. The incident in question was not very abnormal, I think. Our station had a piggery and poultry farm, which in that particular year incurred a loss. The amount of loss being more than what could have been 'regularized' locally, an inquiry was called for. The board, which was presided by VW Karve, an officer with a great sense of humor and brimming with self confidence, came to the conclusion that the loss primarily was caused by the disappearance of a large number of pigs during the recent bout of inclement weather, even though those responsible for running the farm did take necessary precautions.
Thereafter, interesting opportunities kept coming to me while carrying out various duties of aircraft maintenance. Sometimes it would be of loss of expensive machinery owing to transit damage, where, in the absence of a clear proof of failure of any particular agency, one needs to justify the occurrence of a loss. More often, it would a matter of under-utilization and rusting of very costly equipments due to things like bureaucratic delay, governmental shake-up, or shift in priority. Where, certain essential parts or facilities needed for incorporating such technology might not have been ready in time. Here, one has to paint it as a missing link, without making a specific blame. Since, none of the connected agencies would have been showing an identifiable instance of failure.
The comprehensive recommendations that forms the part of each report, I learned, is a place where effective, intelligent, and imaginative, remedies can be suggested for curing the prevalent ills. Each BOI being devoted to a specific instance of say, organizational failure, and members of each such board having expertise in different areas of failure, such recommendations can be seen as an effective cure for such ills.
I found this a fertile ground to let loose one's imagination and exercise one's linguistic talents, historical and philosophical acumen, and to produce documents to keep the decision-makers engrossed for days.
I also learned over time, any reply with a semblance of logic would have worked. Those making queries, do so, primarily, to justify and keep their significance intact and the organization relevant.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Book Review: Rules for Radicals

 What I have to say in this book is not about the arrogance of unsolicited advice. It is about the experience and counsel that so many young people naturally show an inclination for.  "The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away"
"We", says author, "are talking about revolution..there are no rules for revolution any more than there are rules for love or rules for happiness, but there are rules for radicals who want to change their world; there are certain central concepts of action"
Author then echoes Tocqueville's words. "Subjection in minor affairs breaks out every day, and is felt by the whole community indiscriminately. It does not drive men to resistance, but it crosses them at every turn, till they are led to surrender the exercise of their will. Thus their spirit is gradually broken and their character enervated; whereas that obedience, which is exacted on a few important but rare occasions, only exhibits servitude at certain intervals, and throws the burden of it upon a small number of men. It is vain to summon a people, which has been rendered so dependent on the central power, to choose from time to time the representatives of that power; this rare and brief exercise of their free choice, however, important it may be, will not prevent them from gradually losing the faculties of thinking, feeling, and acting for themselves, and thus gradually falling below the level of humanity."
I think he is right. One can see citizens of many countries sinking further into apathy, anonymity, and depersonalization, to result in a populace deeply dependent on public authority. And there is a visible demand for strong, ruthless leaders, as well as a common sight of moderates getting ridiculed often.
The book then goes ahead with advising, how to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace, cooperation, equal and full opportunities for education, full and useful employment, health, and the creation of those circumstances in which man can have the chance to live by values that give meaning to life.
In quantum mechanics, causality was largely replaced by probability: an electron or atom did not have to do anything specific in response to a particular force; there was just a set of probabilities that it would react in this or that way. This is fundamental in the observations and propositions which constitute the reigning theory of matter. One can take a similar view of human society. At no time in any discussion or analysis of mass movements, tactics, or any other phase of the problem, can it be said that if this is done then that will result. The most we can hope to achieve is an understanding of the probabilities consequent to certain actions.
Quoting the of United States, where in World War II, it allied with Russia against Germany, Japan, and Italy, and shortly after victory, fervently allied with its former enemies—Germany, Japan, and Italy—against its former ally, the U.S.S.R, the book observes the primary force in societal transactions as nothing but self-interest.
I liked this book, especially the parallels the author drew on the quantum behaviour of material and men.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Book Review: Emotions and Moods

This is a guidebook about emotions. Emotions and Moods enables us to express frustration, fear, anger, love, hate, joy, grief, and similar feelings. The prevailing thought was that such emotions were the antithesis of rationality. Even though researchers and managers knew that emotions were an inseparable part of everyday life, they tried to create organizations that were emotion-free.n was the belief that emotions of any kind are disruptive. 
Mood in fact acts as a platform for emotions, the same emotion shall be of varying intensity depending on one's mood. Different sets of emotions are examined next. Like anger, envy, fear, frustration, disappointment, embarrassment, etc., exploring into its philosophical roots identified by great men like Descartes, Hume, and Hobbes. After that is examined the biological influence on emotions, followed by cultural leanings and other environmental factors that can play a vital part in this. 
Yes, emotions and moods are an important part of our lives, especially our work lives. But how do our emotions and moods influence our job
performance and satisfaction? This is what comes next, where, a model called affective events theory (AET) is presented. One of the premier, oft repeated management term of these days, Emotional Intelligence, is thereafter discussed. And how, managers who understand the role of emotions and moods can make significant contribution in maintaining optimum efficiency at workplace of all coworkers. A couple of real life cases of emotional involvement, or workplace romance is then analyzed, bringing the short and sweet book to a close.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Book Review: Philosophy of Physics

There are some physics controversies that no amount of physics research can answer. 
Why is doing string theory scientific despite its lack of empirical predictions? 
How should we interpret quantum mechanics? 
What is the nature of time and space? 
What constitutes fundamental physics?
'Philosophy of Physics' by Robert P Crease  attempts to answer such questions, by using four examples from physics to exhibit the aims and value of these philosophical approaches.
The beginning of the book specifies the first duty of a philosopher, as one to look and describe rather than judge and prescribe. When this happens, it can help resolve the philosophical challenges.
Next chapter talks about the philosophical traditions that have paid particular attention to physics. Analytic philosophers, the founding figures of whose tradition included logicians, physicists and mathematicians such as Rudolf Carnap, Hans Reichenbach and Bertrand Russell, who tend to be primarily interested in the logic of science and the meaning of its basic concepts, is one. Pragmatic philosophers, who thinks humans do not spring into being as scientists, but apprentice to become, tend to be interested in how scientists approach and solve puzzles, and what the consequences are, is another. Continental or hermeneutic philosophers, who tend to be interested in the workshop activity as one mode in which human beings can exist among others, and scientific knowledge as one way among others in which human beings are bound up with the world, forms the third group. 
The book thereafter examines four controversies, namely fundamental physics, the nature of space and time, quantum mechanics, and method. Does thermodynamics reduce to statistical mechanics? Is condensed-matter physics fundamental, or ultimately just an amalgam of physics and chemistry? Questions like these are posed to throw light on fundamental physics, where, philosophers from each of the above mentioned groups are shown to approach the issue differently.
"These three groups of philosophers", the book sys, "look at different dimensions of scientific practice with different aims and audiences in mind, tend to include people with expertise in fields that lie beyond physics. Their research, in other words, may well help physicists themselves to think about their work in ways they ordinarily do not, and to ward off misconceptions about the nature of scientific activity."
I liked the book. As far as philosophical insights coming to the help of scientific research, though a couple of examples is given, I think the value of the book could have crossed all limits, if only a good collection of such cases found a place in it.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Book Review: Blue Planet Project

Blue Planet Project (Anonymous) is the personal notes and scientific dairy of a scientist who was contracted by the government over several years to visit all crash sites, interrogate captured Alien Life Forms and analyze all data gathered from that endeavor. The book begins with a discussion on the organizational structure of US agencies for Alien Life research and a broad commentary on the activities undertaken in the past, many of it, shocking, to say the least. For example, "It was the MJ-12 group who ordered the assassination of President Kennedy when he informed MJ-12 that he was going to tell the public all the facts of the Alien presence", and, another task undertaken is the "Creation of an artificial disease known as ‘AID’S". 
The book then lists various documents featuring historical accounts of the United States Government’s Investigation of Aerial Phenomena, Recovered Alien Aircraft, and contacts with Extra-Terrestrial Life Forms. It describes the constitution of aliens and related affairs. For example, "The Aliens believe in a Universal Cosmic God. The Aliens claim that MEN are Hybrids who were created by them. They claim all religion was created by them to hasten the formation of a Civilized Culture and to control the Human Race. They claim that JESUS was a product of their efforts. The Aliens have furnished proof of their claims and have a 'device' that allows them to show audibly and visually any part of History that they or we wish to see."
A report on the progress US has been making on Alien research is there in this book. That "alien crafts from other worlds have crashed on Earth, alien crafts are from both Ultra-Dimensional sources and sources within this Dimension, the U.S. Government has had live Alien hostages at some point in time, the U.S. Government has conducted autopsies on Alien cadavers, the United States Space program of today is a cover operation that exists for public relations purposes, etc." Such operations as these are then described in greater detail, with graphic analysis of the racial structure, functional similarity with the life forms of earth, and other results yielded.
Next described is information relating to alien implants, which is part of these creatures and is a techno-organic enhanced processor powered by a micro-positron flow that controls or mimics the functions of the human nervous system with micro-relay’s duplicating the operations of brain engram patterns. How aliens abduct humans for various reasons, insert  different types of implants that alter one's sense of perception, and other attributes to suit their needs, and many other exciting features of Alien Technology. How the superior technology of the Aliens can make us unaware of their technology itself, or can make it appear as harmless or insignificant.
I do not know how authentic is the data in this book. Really terrifying is the future, if things are to follow as described here. Aliens then need to be seen as very intelligent and developed creatures who use humans as guinea pigs. They visit this planet often, as part of certain studies. Much of the unexplainable instances we encounter are nothing but the intended and unintended effects from those evolutions.

Monday, December 18, 2017


The book tells in the beginning, its significance has increased continually. "..We are beginning to understand the meaning of the crisis. We know that it does not consist simply in the cyclic recurrence of economic disorders. That neither prosperity nor war will solve the problems of modern society." And I wanted to learn, what, then will?
It begins with a good observation, I myself has expressed elsewhere. That the high development of the sciences of inanimate matter, when contrasted with our ignorance of life, is something that deserves serious consideration. "Mechanics, chemistry, and physics have progressed much more rapidly than physiology, psychology, and sociology. Thus, modern society has been built at random, according to the chance of scientific discoveries and to the fancy of ideologies." After examining the giant leaps, man has taken, the book observes that the environment, which science and technology have succeeded in developing for man, does not suit him, because it has been constructed at random, without regard for his true self.
Next chapter examines our ignorance of ourselves. That it is of a peculiar nature, which arise reasons other than the difficulty in procuring the necessary information, from its inaccuracy, or from its scarcity. The book then goes on to prescribe a series of suggestions to ensure better living prospects for the human race, with the application of scientific progress, eugenics and other more controversial topics.
After reading the initial chapters, I was hoping for some really revolutionary suggestions, some of the observations presented being clearly noteworthy. 
But I was disappointed. The most common and intelligent escape route, dwelling on abstract reflections to the hilt, can be seen to be in action here. The following, is a good example. "We have infringed natural laws. We have thus committed the supreme sin, the sin that is always punished. The dogmas of scientific religion and industrial morals have fallen under the onslaught of biological reality. Life always gives an identical answer when asked to trespass on forbidden ground. It weakens. And civilizations collapse." I am surprised that this is from an author, who is a Nobel Prize winner.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Book Review: Where You May Get it Wrong When Writing English

'Where You May Get it Wrong When Writing English: A Practical Guide for Students, Teachers and Professionals
' by Leon Barkho is the condensed form of many years of experience with a wide variety of errors, presented in an organized manner. As the author puts it, this book is grammar in action. Relying more on grammar usage than grammar theory, it examines a whole lot of instances where English learners make mistakes. Many exercises are included in in this book, making it easy to master the skills, especially of writing in English. Tips on how to identify erroneous instances and pitfalls and ways to correct them make up the bulk of the book.
For example, the book mentions of the need to present ideas in a coherent manner. "It is very important that the ideas you express in any kind of writing are logically linked. Logical sequence is at the center of written communication in various fields of knowledge. Journalists, web writers and academics are required to exhibit a high degree of coherence in the articles, reports, dissertations and books they produce."
A good companion for making good written stuff in English.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


'151 AMAZING MONEY SECRETS - What the Rich Know About Money and Their Secrets to Success & Prosperity!' by NJ BRIDGEWATER. The purpose of this book is to share 151 quotations from great thinkers of the past, which contain the essential keys to building wealth and prosperity in the modern world. I haven’t included quotations from all of the top businessmen of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Much wisdom from both classical and more recent sources, and quotations about Bitcoin, as well as a few about gold. Chapter 1 is about the mindset, the idea of abundance, and the sense of opportunity that one needs. Next chapter is filled with quotations, introducing the nature of different investments like gold, bitcoin, etc. Which is followed by one containing the definitions of the important variables of making money, like, wealth, savings, talents, etc. A chapter about building one's business, which present quotes about finding one's niche, advertising, marketing, and other aspects is followed by one about the need to focus. And a few more ones about the ultimate success of a gentleman's quest brings the book to a close.
I found this book a light, enjoyable read. Quite motivating, many of the words are, and, given that they are from the best of the brains, these force one to pay attention. A good collection of meaningful 'quips' indeed.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Random smiles

Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good, is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.

Show me a sane man and I will cure him

Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong

I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it by not dying

My mum told me I should never talk to strangers. I said, It's alright mum, I don't know any

I learn from the mistakes of others who have taken my Advice.

People shouldn't worry about the world ending. It's already tomorrow somewhere in the world!

Why do women like men who are smart, goal orientated and have a sense of humor?
Because opposites attract.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Why there are more theists than atheists?

Why there are more theists than atheists?
For an answer, let us visit the history of theism.
What is theism? What led us to theism? 
The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary says that theism is “belief in a deity or deities, as opposed to atheism.” There are also other definitions that focus on more specific matters. Theism as a belief not in deities but in God that is different from deities. This is a much less universal phenomenon than supernaturalism/superstition. It has a historical particularity; in the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, we can more or less see where Theism begins. It begins with the writing of the first chapter of Genesis, where the author introduces us to Yahweh, who is not just another heavenly being like the sun or the moon, but the sun and moon’s creator.
“First we should distinguish theism from mere belief in the supernatural. The latter, illustrated by ghost-stories, tales of second sight, rituals and sacrifices to prevent the failure of a harvest or a navy, the consulting of the sacred geese, and the throwing of the salt always over one’s left shoulder, is a human universal, and was known even to our Pleistocene ancestors. A more hostile name for this is superstition.” I don’t think this can be right. These observances are now termed superstition, based on certain arguments which are of significance only now. This is as much a matter of faith as the belief in god presently is. Theism is also is nothing but the belief in the super-natural, except that the nature of the supernatural may mark a change.
This should have been clear to anybody with average intelligence or more.
The difference between Theism as belief in God and theism as belief in deities is that the latter can easily be just another variety of supernaturalism. Especially where the deities are small and local enough, there seems little difference in principle between believing in such deities and believing in fairies or ghosts: think of nature-gods like Iris the rainbow-goddess, or Freya/Persephone of the harvest, or Thor the thunder-god. The classical pagan gods were very frequently of this sort, as were the deities of pagan Norway and Britain and Mexico. In another common pattern, pagan deities arose by apotheosis – by the route from being a human hero to occupying yet another alcove in the cluttered and haphazard pantheon of (say) the Rome of late antiquity. This was a route, indeed, that mortal Roman emperors regularly trod. Even Greek generals sometimes took it too.
Further evolution in this manner could have resulted in the present nature god, the creator of both heaven and earth, a close associate of which being Christianity. Not only that the biblical god became huge, despite his anthropomorphism (humankind was created in his image), it was possible for him to become a metaphysical god. Identifying closely the human, passionate and protective character, the gigantic scale of the Judaic god also allowed him to take on the role of the founder and creator of the cosmic order. 
Besides this ‘gigantism’, it was the “human, passionate, and protective character” of the god that continued to work in theism’s favor, notwithstanding the changes felt everywhere.  This brought in a new meaning to all gods, an absolute and eternal entity that was not a mere principle but a great living being, in short making it very easy to be a theist.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Last Days of Democracy?

With the number of liberal democracies in the world now stagnating; with many third wave democracies deteriorating in their actual democratic performance; with human rights abuses persistent and even increasing, it is time to introspect. 
Why did democracy fail?
Did democracy fail? Well, the evidence in the affirmative appears to be mounting. If we look beyond the form of democracy—a form that is increasingly expected by world culture and organizations—we see erosion and stagnation offsetting liberalization and consolidation. Liberal democracy has stopped expanding in the world, and so has political freedom more generally. If we take the liberal content of democracy seriously, it seems that the third wave of democratic expansion has come to a halt and probably to an end. 
We may or may not see in the coming years the emergence of a few new electoral democracies, but a further sizable increase seems unlikely, given that democratization has already occurred in the countries where conditions are most favorable. In the coming years movement to electoral democracy also seems likely to be offset by movement away from it, as some fledgling electoral democracies in Africa and elsewhere are either blatantly overthrown (as in Gambia and Niger), squelched just before birth (as in Nigeria), or strangled (more or less slowly) by deterioration in the fairness of contest and the toleration of opposition (as in Peru, Cambodia, and some of the former Communist states). Even in established democracies like USA, India, or UK, undemocratic deviations are being tolerated widely. In these circumstances more and more countries may seek to satisfy ritually the expectation of ‘democracy’ through its most hollow form, some type of pseudo-democracy.

When expansion in the number of democracies and the overall level of democratic-ness in the world halts for a sustained period (say, five to ten years), it seems reasonable to conclude that the democratic wave has come to an end. At least, this marks the end of a ‘short wave’ of democratization. 
I think we all need to look at the decisions, or conclusions we drew in the past. On all matters that can be examined objectively, namely, physical science, medicine, etc., each one of the principles, theorems, or explanations, we used to hold is high esteem, are turning out to be incorrect. Why can't we think that on all other matters we are not able to observe such ambiguities only because we are not able to make an objective assessment? Had we been able to, we would have found, just like the erroneous notions of physical entities, which we are now correcting often, we are holding on to wrong ideas in other areas of life, like governance, which we now need to set right.
When governments fail, or when unsuitable leaders take over control of countries or issues, rather than pointing to certain specific causes like external interference, or an internal one like a temple, we need to understand those things as another sign of the imminent failure of democracy.
It is known, the presence of many nonmagnetic atoms (even the strongest magnet won't have 100% atoms, magnetic), cannot prevent the magnet from acting as one.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Book Review: Life

'Life' by Laurentiu Mihaescu briefly chronicles the journey of Matter, Evolution, Consciousness, and Intelligence.
"It was a very long journey", the book says, "It all started with the granular fluid and its special mechanics, with those hydrogen atoms that filled the space about 14 billion years ago" and tries to answer some of the pertinent questions, one may have.
Are we able to offer coherent answers to some specific questions related to our existence, such as:
Where do we come from?
Who are we, the humans, in fact?
Are we a unique kind of life form?
What is the purpose of our existence?
The author's perspective is very clear on these matters and involves just the fields of reason and science.

It formulates our exact "address" in the Universe as: Planet Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Cluster, Laniakea Super-cluster, and goes ahead with the definition of life. Here it asks a question that I myself found relevant. "Can we, the humans, analyze and understand our own life?"
Further chapters examine Evolution and adaptation, followed by Principles and rights, where the follies committed by the human race since time immemorial are recalled. "We have paid a great price because of the animal that existed within us, because of our initial ignorance. The evil things done over thousands of years by the religions and their fairy tales, the crimes made by the followers in the name of their "faith", all of these will be forgiven and forgotten, and the humanity will take the path of normal, pure scientific knowledge, which only involve the human reason." The book also propose a desired path for human race to progress further. Like the following three principles.
"1. The surrounding environment is purely material, at any scale it would be regarded. All structures, alive or not, and all their interactions bear the unique feature of materiality.
2. Human knowledge is simply possible, to any extent. We have no other objective limitations, beside the well-known ones: the space and time.
3. The good can be identified with the prosperity of each human, with the perpetuation of our species in general, with its growth and peaceful development up to the cosmic scale."
The book hopes that our race could travel even farther, on the way to the starlight, leaving behind all their inner contradictions and becoming a normal, real cosmic civilization.
I liked the book, it asked certain questions that is pestering me often, and is resulting in many of my books. Unlike all those who dwell on these topics, the author has successfully avoided abstract discussions.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Book Review: They’re Coming For Your Internet

'They’re Coming For Your Internet' by Nate Levesque discusses the issue of net neutrality, a hot topic these days. In six heads, namely, Beginnings, The ISP Problem, Profit and Control, Second-Class Data, Traffic Control, and If the Internet Falls, the relevant issues are touched upon. That this isn't a problem with the Internet as a whole, while the backbone of the Internet is fairly competitive, the relatively few companies control the last-mile (the connection from you to a backbone provider) networks. 
Tracing the origins of high speed communication networks to Samuel Morse and telegraph, the book tells us how, in the initial days itself, communication made its presence felt -  by swinging the presidential the election due to careful control of what news about the candidates spread. Next, the book talks about the Internet landscape. How acquisitions have folded many service providers into a few large regional and even national providers, leading to the network becoming centralized again. Also, of the threat faced by established companies from disruptive innovations, which the upstart, smarter companies will adopt quickly, leading  the big players to look for fresh ways to secure their position. That all these put net neutrality in jeopardy, one can easily see.
What will happen if net neutrality is repealed, the book asks. The answer is also ready. The 'on-line' is in for a change. ISPs, who are already violating neutrality by selling low caps, zero-rating, and throttling as solutions to imagined network congestion shall get emboldened. They may also push for legislation to prevent cities from building their own Internet providers—called municipal networks—which usually offer better, faster, and cheaper service. Many more imaginative throttles to independence of net communication are then discussed.
I liked this book. It opened my eyes to many things I had no inkling of. The book issues a real warning. Our ability to be informed, to express ourselves, and to run a healthy democracy hang in the balance. It’s hard to imagine a company interfering with an election as Western Union once did in the case of the above mentioned presidential election. Even with the necessary safeguards, there are many instances where the suspicion is on media manipulation. It may become a real threat, the possibility of ISPs take control of what’s available on-line is too dangerous to be ignored.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Random Quotes..

DEEP- ROOTED customs, though wrong, are not easily altered, but, it is the duty Of all to be in form for that which they certainly know is right - JOHN WOOLMAN.
HE often acts unjustly who does not do a certain thing; not only he who does a certain thing - MARCUS ANTONINUS.
EVERY duty we commit obscures some truth we should have known - JOHN RUSKIN

Sunday school class. The topic for the day: Easter Sunday and the resurrection of Christ.
“What did Jesus do on this day?” There was no response, so here ia a hint: “It starts with the letter R.”
One boy blurted, “Recycle!”

If nobody likes your selfie, what is the value of the self?

Which is it, is man one of God’s blunders or is God one of man’s?

“Any man who is not a socialist at age twenty has no heart. Any man who is still a socialist at age forty has no head.” 
"On the sixth day God created man. On the seventh day, man returned the favor.

God creates faulty humans and then blames them for his own mistakes. 

Answer wrote by one little  Negro  schoolgirl  wrote  when  asked  by  the  teacher  to  write an  essay  on the  punishment, Hitler should be subjected to:  “Dress  him  up  in  a  black skin  and  make  him  live  in  the  United  States.” 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Book Review: Political Economic Realities of Today’s Capitalism

Political Economic Realities of Today’s Capitalism, by NORALV VEGGELAND, consists of ten articles, all of which have been published earlier separately in different journals, but never as a contribution to a coherent approach making political economic realities transparent and understandable as path dependent stories. The book analyzes todays' capitalistic world based on research conducted across European markets and European politics. 
It starts with a study of Neo-Liberalism, which in fact is a flow of management decisions and political actions deeply influenced by a deregulated free market concept. While examining the roots of which in leaders like Ronald Reagen and Margaret Thacher, the compulsions of present day international politics and the resulting threat to the traditional welfare state model is discussed here.
What follows is a commentary on 'The Political and Economic Realities of Present Day Capitalism'. Here, deviations from the Keynesian model, and the changes it brings to the administrative strategies, are analyzed. Next paper sums up how, 'Sustained and Focused Control Exercised by a Public Agency on Activities that are Valued by a Community', the essence of regulation, go along with the earlier discussed. Which in fact is a magnificent proposal - A Government that Works but Costs Less! It further illustrates the metamorphosis of such thoughts into New Public Management (NPM), how this idea has stormed the whole world, what essential safeguards are there, etc.
Birth of New Accounting Techniques became a necessity for the public sector to keep pace with NPM, the book explains. Next paper discusses the need for new modalities and accounting strategies for seamlessly accounting welfare budget and actual expenditure. Which is followed by a paper dealing with a very popular, rather enigmatic topic - social capital. Examining many welfare states, this paper analyses the impact of the new global view on the changing atmosphere in the welfare states - how, competition and intervention go hand in hand. The one following this, 'Capitalism in Crisis', caught my full attention. It seems, to get through current difficulties, governments are resorting to budget cuts and saving programs. This will reduce market demand, which can boost the crisis further. Here Keynesian principles need to be adopted in a  different framework of state intervention, which can be named neo-interventionism, the book says, while describing a couple of concrete proposals in this regard.
I liked this book. It answered many questions, I as a layman used to have on the economic front. Sadly, while incorporating principles of neo-economic realities, many states are leaving out the concepts of neo-interventionism, I think. Perhaps this idea needs more explanation.

A Thought

Governance by Default, till Democratically Removed