Sunday, December 30, 2018

There is nothing constant

These days of fuzzy logic, indeterminate states, or uncertainty as a principle, having hazy demarcations or borders, makes all possibilities alive at all times. At any instant, the current state is the one with the greatest relative merit.
In the light of this, let me examine knowledge, growth, development, or progress, some of the most potent issues, a society face.
I remember, in my school days, teachers used to discuss in class, the great work being done as part of the green revolution. How the introduction of chemical fertilizers is enhancing the productivity of land, and how that can lead to a hunger-free world. So also in the areas of health, how the miraculous effects of antibiotics conquer the threats posed by germs. And also about the changing social atmosphere. How, from individual wealth, the society is moving towards collective growth, a move pioneered by countries like Russia and China.
Now more than five decades later, where do I stand? Almost all I have been celebrating then, are the villains of the times, now. Whether about antibiotics, fertilizer, or of the nature of things, or that of society, the current ideas are more in alignment with those prevalent before my school days.
It seems, just like atomic particles or heavenly bodies, the concepts we hold dear to ourselves too, at any time, are in a cyclic motion.

Friday, December 28, 2018

An anti-g seat for pilots?

'TOLERATING HIGH G: AN ESSAY' By Edward E. Rochon talks about an aircraft seat, where the pilot sits inside a globe. When he feels g-force, he can use a machine to fight its effects. Which will change the orientation of pilot with respect to the direction of g-force. Thus, if blood is draining from his head, he can reverse position, which will cause blood to come back into his head quickly, counteracting this dangerous effect. In addition, the roll of his seat against the g-force will mitigate the effect of a rapid acceleration or deceleration. He will be able to go forward, backward, up, down and sideways to achieve this. He must do this in a way that prevents him from becoming uneasy. So there are two extremes, the effects of the g-force and the effects of the counteracting motion of the seat mechanism. Both can disorient. If the pilot gets it right, he should be able to keep a fairly stable blood flow through his body without becoming too dizzy to effectively fly his plane or ship. In this way he should be able to withstand much greater g-forces and for longer periods of time than otherwise, making him immune to g.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

One more Proverb down?

Early to bed and early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise. This in fact is a popular one of the ‘truths’ we constantly celebrate in our life. Should it be so? I thought of probing further.
In an article in a recent issue of ‘Science’,  good sleep followed by late wake up is shown to be associated with better academic performance. This, by a group of researchers whose study involved secondary school students from many schools in USA, which mentions that, ‘given that the adolescents have a preference to stay active until late evenings, waking up late in the mornings benefited the physical and mental health of students.
My favorite contention, that all such ‘truths’ are false, is proven right again. Not only that, exact opposite of each such ‘truth’ could turn out to be the actual case. Take again a look at the current example. Late, carefree mornings actually lead to better productivity.

A Thought

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