Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Book Review: Unrivaled: Sewanee 1899

   Unrivaled: Sewanee 1899 by Norman Jetmundsen & Karin Dupree Fecteau

  This is about a football team that perhaps had the best season in college football history. In 1899, winning all 12 of their games, they came to be known as the greatest team of all time. The book begins with a narrative on the introduction of football in the early 1890s with a peep into the notable games and events that happened. Followed by a short history about the introduction and growth of the game in Sewanee, where one can also relish the grand matches of that era. Next chapter describes the year 1899, and Sewanee's standing in the whole tapestry of inter-collegiate football. A good look at the team's journeys, games, results, and the honours that fell due. Further, a rich collection of footnotes is there to join missing links, if any.

This is a collector's item that traces the full path of the 1899 team, answering who, what, and where all they are now. With relevant pictures, charts, newspaper clippings, and original records, it can keep both history buffs and football enthusiasts equally busy. Not only that it is a well-researched work, but also is replete with romantic sketches of all things that happened at that time. A good read, indeed.  

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Book Review: To Stop a Tyrant

This book discusses ways to preempt political tyranny, before it fully blossoms into one. Since followers create their leaders, the good, the bad, and the dangerous, it covers the complete environment of leaders, followers, and the institutions.

It begins with a survey of the global political landscape that shows a regression to authoritarian rule, whether the encroachment is coming from “the left” or “the right. Followed by an analysis of distinctive circles of followers in different proximity to the leader, paying particular attention to three interacting elements: leadership, followers, and context. The book then examines the makings of a follower of a political leader and the abstract elements of activism. Further chapters discuss the role of bureaucrats in translating the vision and policies of political leaders into programs that affect all. 

I admire the clarity of ideas presented in the book, many a time illustrated with real-life examples. Like, how activism is not primarily a rational act, and, if unchecked, would become another yoke of tyranny. And the distinctive division of followers into conformist, those who collude, and courageous. Or, the significance of values and the institutions designed to keep them serving us.

Monday, November 18, 2024

An Evolution Post Evolution

Birth of A Violent Human Society - An Evolution Post Evolution

After Darwin

Modern human evolved from where Darwin ended. There is nothing to suggest a messy human life, then.  But now, almost all the writings that deal with topics related to our life and living is in complete agreement, about one conclusion. Human life is in a mess, everywhere. Disorder is rampant among those well to do, those not so, and also with all others. What is the reason?

Unless we take the human as a species that has a natural proclivity to self-destructive behavior like violence, there has to be discernible reason for it to be so. Something caused a violent modern man to evolve from a human that followed one of the monkeys.

For finding out, let us once again look at our journey from a brute to the civilized one of today. Examining the path we have taken so far, a little thoroughly. Assume that the fundamental characteristics, like an inquisitive nature, was more or less the same as of today. And also, the propensity to choose the best option from whatever, the current circumstances would offer. That makes each and every one remaining at all tiles, happy and contended for having demonstrated one’s abilities to its brim.

The Old Human

Let us say, from the very first batch itself, human would have been amazed by the variety and attractiveness of all that caught their eye. So, probably, all that they encountered, or otherwise grabbed their time, kept remaining with them as memories or experiences, an accumulated version of which, guiding all further endeavors.

As always, a few among them would have been of a different build or on a deviating trip. They perhaps thought of a possibility of arriving at fresh, different, and more interesting things or its spirit by subjecting the accumulated memory to further manipulation. Succeeding generations followed such a path, the resulting product getting greatly celebrated as knowledge. Our world has never been the same, ever since.

The Singularity of Teaching

Now look. So far, all people would have been monitoring all that they came across, while adding all of those to their memory, ideas of relative merit, significance, etc., yet to germinate. Sure, many among them would have been finding it heavily taxing and would have been on the lookout for a respite. But, at least a few would have been there to relish these and share the burden. What else for others to do but to hold these few in high esteem.

Those who relished it, pressed on with the job and continued to create more knowledge. The more, the laurels that came their way, the harder, their resolve.

Others kept on raining accolades and adulation, making the few come up with even more new and varied vistas of knowledge. In some time, perhaps over some generations, the new entity of knowledge made whatever memories or experience they possessed, redundant. And, as a direct result, those who labored and happened to be successful in the activities related to manipulation of such experiences scaled the pinnacle of acceptability, and heralded the birth of a new profession, teaching.

The Modern Human

Now see. The original style of human living, one nurturing an ever-increasing stock of experience, and taking guidance from those for all their endeavors, died a death. Over time, different ideas that were germinating from such experiences, also came to a full stop. Difference in intellectual build, so far, quite likely viewed as another(harmless) attribute like height, or color, became a variable that is open to manipulation. In all these cases, the new entity called teaching acted as a total replacement for the natural distribution of personal assets. Perhaps, the novelty content of the changed circumstances kept the populace glued to it. Or, the opportunity of escaping from a job of drudgery made the common people go for it.

Over time, teaching took over the role of nature. Consequently, the drive that nature provides to every form of life to follow its style of living, came to a halt. Rather, the drive is being replaced by the current product or state of knowledge, something not equally within the grasp of all. Naturally, inequality has become enshrined for good. If a violent society does not result from this, what else will?

I think, a significant point is this. We are yet to replace whatever was the original lifestyle we lost, when the 'natural drive' was replaced by 'knowledge'. So, we now need to concentrate fully on designing an apt living style and adhering to it for our own good. Perhaps, a fitting lifestyle shall absorb the inequalities too.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Monday, October 7, 2024

Book Review: The Consumer Insights Revolution

 The Consumer Insights Revolution by Steve Phillips and others.

This book is a good, impactful description of the hard work that goes behind creating products and building business that resonate with people. How to connect brands to the lives and needs of consumers. 

It is in two parts. In part 1, the book dwells on consumer centricity and market research. How innovative concepts tend to surprise us by bringing up new challenges and the necessity of varied and unimagined working practices. How, to remain relevant, one constantly needs to rethink, become digitalized and democratized, and be more strategic. Part 2 of the book is about the practical aspects of the above and meeting the needs of an agile market research. How to design a framework powered by technology that consolidates and organizes data, while enabling people to analyze and learn from it in a dynamic way. How, it could lead to the formation of a digital platform that would remove reliance on market research vendors. And how to introduce such ideas in ways that encourage and enliven all to feel positive and welcoming about it.

With well laid out chapters, bulleted lists, and a good directory of technical terms, this book can be an effective guide to insightful and analysis-heavy research.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Book Review: Toxic Infertility

Toxic Infertility by Deidre Bloomquist

This is a book filled with thoughtful and practical tips to boost fertility in a natural way. While doing so, it discusses the often-overlooked factors, like environmental toxins and lifestyle choices, which grossly and silently affect reproductive health. You also will have the latest in science, of course, as short and simple steps that can make the journey to parenthood, one of joy.

The book is in two parts. In part one, the book examines the root of fertility challenges, putting it in people-friendly terms. It traverses a wide field of contaminants like heavy metals, plastics, pesticides, and radioactivity, listing the consequences that can happen to our body. Part two is about restoring our body. How to clear one's body of toxins, how to restore affected systems and parts, and what nutrients are necessary, are only some of the topics that are covered beautifully. Step by step instructions are provided, both the accessibility and affordability of the recommended programs and procedures getting special attention. A chapter on pre-conception planning, and another on hormone health, turns this book into a comprehensive guide for anyone who is thinking of the baby-way.

I also find, not only that this book is a page-turner, but also is of immense value as an academic aid, thanks to the logical presentation of ideas. For example, 'if iron anemia persists...consider the fact that all organisms utilize iron to survive, and pathogens in the gut may be stealing this nutrient from you...'. With, a writing that boasts of a conversational style and, a content with a disarming clarity of thought and an exhaustive index, the book refuses to be put down.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Another Book

Presently, wisdom is highly valued, and enjoying a position that is lofty enough to overshadow everything else. I think, there is room for a rethink. A wisdom-free life will most likely lead us to a better future.

Published a Book 'Is Wisdom, a Must?'

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Another 'HUB'

I now reach a conclusion.

A final solution to all the issues of our race is a simple one.

Identify, derive, and adopt, an appropriate way to think. 

Published a ‘hub’ about it.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Book Review: She Took A Turn

 She Took A Turn, by Kristi Smith, begins with a childhood that is filled with privilege, and her reasons to rebel against it. How she inherited her mother's streak of independence, and an athletic spirit with a killer instinct from her father. Hardwork follows this wonderful childhood, when she begins with Princeton for further studies. Greater days follow, when she becomes a medical student and discontinues it. She then takes a jump into teaching, and faces racism head-on. All the while there was a spiritual journey, where knowing and growing one's central self was the main theme. Comes her wedding, swiftly followed by four children and all the associated melee. Topping it all is her tryst with cancer that opens the way to a series of reflections on a wide ranging array of topics.

I read the book like a gripping novel. It has a narrative that moves on a streamline path, and echoes truth, courage, and under-standing. And this is not just a personal recount, but a benchmark on generous and sincere writing. A story of someone, who made hopes happen.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Book Review: Remaking the Space between Us

Remaking the Space between Us, by DIANA McLAIN SMITH, is a book in 4 parts. In part 1, Remembering the Forgotten Road to Now, the book finds America as a nation, where polarization is omnipresent, and exhorts all to come together and learn from each other. How, cooperation and empathy can address the discord in today's politics and society. Part 2 begins by examining how an easy attempt could be made, inspired by a President, to overturn an election, and how, it brings up a dire need to unlock our minds. If not, we are likely to end up with the path, Nazi Germany took to address the problem of a pluralistic society. Come Part 3, and the discussion is about the need for friendships and closing the gap between each of us. The last part dwells on the possibility of using all those divisive forces for our good. Where, there is always an effort to understand and empathize with the “other side”. And also to outwit misinformation, what should be a staple part of the times.
I agree with the author. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. Effectively, every page of this book prods the reader to take efforts to make a change. This is a fantastic read, tastefully spliced with anecdotes, quotations, and snippets of history. I couldn't put it down till I crossed the last page.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Book Review: Golden Tales of a Newsman

Golden Tales of a Newsman by Warren Gerds. As the author points out, compiling this book allowed him to revisit himself with all these stories, which appear in 121 chapters divided into 5 parts. Each chapter tells one, delectably, and it generally features the current person or event of significance. There are those that show the ecstasy of Broadway compositions, and those present legends like Vince Lombardi, or Dolly Parton. Like that of the visit to a unique museum of Singapore, and the time spent in Taiwan. Some about picking blackberries, and some about hoarding impressions. Trips appear quite often, to Venice, to USA, and all over the globe.

Spiced with wit and humor, each of the stories give away partly, the valuable experience, the author amassed. When his father's arm is set by a horse doctor, since 'he was all there was around at the time', or while the 'crazy american' become an issue in Globe Theatre, who can but stay astounded at the sheer variety of themes. This is a good read, spliced with bits of satire. These rainbow-tinged stories can feed to the appetite of readers with many and varied tastes.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Book Review: JOY NOTES

 JOY NOTES: Balancing the Trauma with Triumph, by Niobis Queiro, is a book on overcoming every form of challenge and finding joy. Book begins with a story where the author is the theme that explores the notable highs and lows she went through. From the beginnings at Cuba to the adventures in USA, and her brush with life turning moments, like that of hip replacement, or of tumours. Next chapter revolves around salsa, her father, and his magnetic personality. Next come many stories that hide tips on how to overcome and live joyously, no matter what’s happening in your life, which is followed by a pretty chapter about her husband. And out comes a wonderful man who only believes in doing good.

This book is a gem for all those who look for lasting advices. Marked as 'tips for surviving and thriving with joy', these melodies enliven whatever takeaways, a reader may choose to be content with.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Book review: Take less. Do more

Take less. Do more, by Glen Van Peski. This book is presented as the ultimate secret of happy bagpacking from an ultralight bagpacker.
As I was hoping, the book is full of hard-earned wisdom and valuable advice, which appears in fifteen lessons. The first one about gaining a good perspective and how, wilderness does it best, acted as a strong invitation for the rest of the book. Next one is about carrying less, where the author thinks through bagpacking in greater detail. Followed by lessons that tell, how, simple acts of kindness and generosity can be transformative if not life saving, and how, giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. A successful backpacking trip is the outcome of a lot of preparation as well as personal values like generosity and relationships with others, further lessons teach. What comes next is a very good lesson. If after all these you fail, do not worry, there are ways to make use of a failure by learning from it.
Not stopping with the lessons, the book also boasts of a list of necessities and essentials for such trips, added as an appendix.
This is an interesting book that covers all sides of bagpacking. The philosophy of “take less, do more” shall doubly benefit all those who venture into this. An easy journey, since there is less to carry, and a happier journey, since there are more activities of fun. These lessons are appealing and delectably written, inviting us to stay open to new adventures.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Book Review: Bold Kindness

In Bold Kindness, Cathy Thorpe introduces to us, a better way of doing business. Where people neither feel the need to surpass, nor fear getting fired. And shall be their authentic selves.
In part 1, the book discusses the need for such an approach. How it helped the author to excel by continuously finding a better way, creativity and ingenuity of the team members coming out in full bloom. Part 2 explain the practical adaptation of these ideas. Rather than focusing too much on changing the team, think about the true driver of change: the team head. Also, how to instill a caring environment that fosters dedication. And part 3 describes, specific practices tried in those instances. How the central themes like 'Admire people, WOW customer experience, Find a better way, and Be passionate about making a difference' drove every decision. And cultivated a mindset of professionalism and personal accountability.
This book contains gems about mentoring, where managing happens effortlessly.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Book Review: Passion Struck

Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life, by John R. Miles

The book begins by examining the salient features of what all could be termed as 'passion'. Anything that can lead one to one's full potential and intentionally create a life of one's dreams. Namely, power and versatility, originality, repurposing fears and anxieties, turning ideas into action, getting perfection out of flaws and weaknesses, and finally, charting a path to fulfilment. Chapters are then devoted for discussing different perspectives of each such topic in greater detail.

This book’s words reflect the wisdom of a life lived well and a wide canvas of experience. It will fit well for training future generations of leaders. How to deploy their passion and achieve peak performance regardless of their pursuit. Passion Struck is a framework for changing your life, and within the pages of this book, you hold the power to embark on a remarkable transformation. And, once you become passion struck, a life of growth and refinement shall continue to follow.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Issues and Corrections - A Look

A Life full of Issues

I am writing this in connection with a couple of questions that should have been arresting the attention of the thinkers among us, the most. One is, why is human society stuck to a path of self-destruction? Unless we take timely preventive or corrective action, all things go from bad to worse. And the other is, why is human life, so full of issues? Where lies the problem?

Issues lead to Corrections, and Corrections lead to Issues

I think, one peculiarity, a curious twist in our outlook, attitude, or mentality, though is widely known and well acknowledged, is yet to garner our undivided attention. Each of us need constant monitoring, especially, if something has to come from us in a flawless manner. For, unless closely monitored and reacted appropriately, not only that our current issues will worsen, but also, fresh ones will crop up. Also, more importantly, unless kept updated, the mechanism of monitoring itself becomes ineffective, very soon. Understandably, as a consequence, everywhere, the prevailing ambience of tranquility and discipline shall fade away soon, making the very identity of human society, one of turbulence. Of course, we are not unaware of this. There is nobody who does not feel that human way of life needs urgent correction. I too, agree, just as all our forefathers would have been doing all the time. So, every self-destructive path we happen to come to follow is, one intended to combat an issue. Obviously a such a path will create more issues than what it solves.

Have a glance at our history. There is no one who has not attained greatness, after suggesting a measure for improving the human. Also, having attained greatness, there is no one who did not propose a new path for making the human a better one. So, since the earliest of times, someone has been guiding and advising the human in correcting themselves. In spite of all these efforts, the issues persist. Why? Are we addressing the issues correctly? Or, is it an issue of not correctly identifying the issues to address? Either way, aren’t we correcting incorrectly, making, every issue we face as nothing but a correction that was done in the past!

Now, What is Incorrect?

At this juncture, the first question that comes to me is this. What do we do when we recognize or consider something as an issue that requires attention? Presently, and since long, our approach to this question involves a few steps. One, classify and name the issues that are found, imaginatively and with relevance to the current times. Two, accord priorities and formulate corrective action, and direct our efforts in accordance with those. Three, widely disseminate the results, and let all people derive all the benefits from all of the above.

I agree, we are more or less successful in liquidating the issues that arise, especially those belonging to the world of the nonliving. Quite logically, we continue in the same manner in other areas too, and, if necessary, with added vigor. Thus, the same is the approach we entertain, when we encounter an issue with any living entity. Now, if we are not able to derive success with comparable ease, when the issue pertains to ourselves, what is the first suspect? Naturally, we ourselves, or the approach we take while addressing issues.

Look closer. Almost every right-thinking individual has been finding something wrong with us and suggesting remedial measures. Not only that we diligently incorporate all those suggestions, wherever we can, but also shape our future generations to accommodate these, and much more, in their lives. However, neither has anyone, ever questioned our approach, nor was there any investigation or assessment in that direction. (And, since we constantly shout with all our might, human style of doing things is unique and the best, we may not get at all, an opportunity to notice it.)

I therefore think, there is no fault with us. And, there is a lot of it, as far as our approach go. To make this idea a bit more clear, let me re-examine all that takes place with an issue.

The Mistake, We Missed

Again, look closely. Every issue shall continue to appear to one as a new one, including the ones that would have been persisting for long. Agree, all of those shall be dealt with, perhaps for the full satisfaction of the current generation. The propensity to persist shall continue unaddressed, and the issue shall be reappearing soon. Then we take the issue into account, but as another fresh one. The current generation of humans devote their time and effort to address the issue, and it goes on. But, we do not register the fact that there are far too many new issues at all times, since we already reached a conclusion that human race is a violent one. And, taking pride in our unique position among all forms of life, we let all those fresh issues intimidate us. (Interestingly, we take a lot of interest and struggle incessantly till we solve an issue for good, if it affects other forms of life as well.) As a result, the persistence of issues do not get the attention it deserves.

And, Blind Correction Worsens It

Yes, we are taking great efforts to identify and pin down an issue that we recognize as one. And we are leaving no stone unturned in finding effective remedies to all of those. We are also according the highest status to those of us who spend their time and effort in finding answers, naming them as holy men, saints, or other leaders of great worth.

Still, these persist, and our society remains as unruly as ever. Why? Why should human society be indifferent to a remedy? Quite in contrast, in all other areas, be it of lifeless objects, or living ones other than ourselves, each remedy we adopt, delivers a result. Otherwise, we institute new remedies. Effectively, every such encounter re-validates our position as intelligent beings.

But, in our own case, either the remedy is wrong or unsuitable, or we are applying it improperly. Also, no other form of life is facing an issue like this, and, each of those is able to find necessary solutions to problems that arise. Disregarding this, we nonchalantly continue repeating the same remedy. Effectively, every encounter from the social angle undermines our position as intelligent beings.

So, Our Cure Needs a Cure!

Let us think of our remedy. Each of us is constantly bombarded by a stream of remedial measures, be it from the political bosses, theological stalwarts, literary greats, or those embracing other areas like science. It looks highly unlikely that all those remedial measures will simultaneously turn incorrect.

Now, let us think of our style of application of remedy. One thing immediately strikes me. Though each remedy may be far different from the other one, we administer all of those in the same manner, which is quite unlike it is in all other areas of both animate and inanimate objects.

So, in a casual glance, one thing emerges from the above. We need to analyze the whole gamut of remedy, especially its application, with a fresh mind. Should it be the same, when we deal with inanimate objects, and those with life? Should it be the same for humans and non-humans? Also, should it be the same, whatever be the issue?

I think, our current idea about these things is that it is the same. Also, same was our idea, so far. Which can be summarized broadly as sequential execution of three independent steps. Namely, identification of issue, analysis and making a plan of action, and conclusion or implementation of the plan. And, it is where, the fault lie. We should be following different ways and means to address and correct the issues in each of these areas, namely, inanimate objects, animate objects other than the human, and the human. Interestingly, for everything other than correcting issues, like teaching, communicating, or relaxing, we adopt differing styles and techniques for each of those areas.

I agree, the ‘time tested’ approach of solving issues, the one consisting of identification, analysis, and conclusion, is doing exceedingly well, as far as our foray into the non-living world go. We also have not been able to notice any shortcoming in it, as far as all forms of life other than the human go. (If we start looking for shortcomings, situation need not be the same!) But, when it comes to the human, we have been finding plenty of shortcomings. However, we continue with the same approach, a couple of peculiarities being there that makes us overlook all shortcomings. One is, without any qualm, every time we meet a roadblock, we use the same approach with added viguor. Where that does not work, we quietly amend our aims and ambitions. If we are still left with shortcomings, we change the remedy, though it would have been working wonders, everywhere else. And we rationalize all this, saying, man is a unique form of life.

So, the conclusion one can reach is this. Humans are successful in their attempts to find and rectify issues. When that is about the issues about themselves, since the method rectification is incorrect, there is no success. If this does not lead us to a destructive outcome, what else will it do?

My Cure – Correct Correctly

So, it is more or less imperative that we now pay attention to what we have been ignoring all along. Namely, as mentioned before, the persistence of issues. We know, each of the cures we have amassed over the past, address specifically an issue. And, none of those consider the peculiarities, preferences, or compulsions, of those at the receiving end of the cure. Consequently, cures will not function well, at least, not as good as it does in the nonliving world.

Therefore, similar to the ‘time tested’ approach of identification, analysis, and a conclusion that includes both the incorporation and appreciation of correction, we need to formulate a distinct approach for solving issues that arise in the living world, especially that of humans.

Why do issues persist? Just as there could be some peculiarity with an issue that makes it persist, there could be something untoward in the way an issue is dealt with, which might be making it persist.

I agree, we are successful in tackling the issues we face, as far as the nonliving world go, and also for all the living ones other than ourselves. In both the cases, while deciding on the appropriateness of our effort, not only that we think of the receiving end of the correction, but also, we think of the receiving end’s appreciation of the correction. Or, we think on behalf of both the correcting and the receiving ends. We cannot, and we do not seek the opinion of the receiving end, before applying a correction or remedy. Effectively, we are following the same style, while tackling issues that pertains to the human.

A Suggestion -

My doubt is, firstly, are we addressing the issues correctly? And, is there an issue of not identifying correctly, the issues to address? Secondly, shouldn’t a correction have a life? For, isn’t it well known? If we continue with a correction even after neutralizing the original cause that led to it, it could lead to a new issue. We need to devise a fresh approach to face and correct the issues that arise in the domain of the human.

I mentioned at the start of this paper, every self-destructive path we happen to come to follow is, one that was intended to combat an issue. Presumably, every issue was solved, as we are intelligent ones from the very beginning. Notice, had we been giving due credence to it and reverted to a suitable path, perhaps the one that was the one prior to the very genesis of the issue, our life would have been flowing again in a normal way. But we disregarded all this. We rarely made an attempt to identify and find the link between paths and issues and adopt a suitable one. As a result, effectively, we have always been continuing merrily with a random path. Naturally, fresh issues will develop. All this points to the need of a unique lifestyle, which will direct our life to an appropriate path at all times.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Book Review: Valuepreneurs

Valuepreneurs by Steve Waddell is a book full of answers. It begins by listing the challenges faced by a new business or a new product, and suggests ways to garner fresh ideas to counter those. How to integrate such gems to make a competitive business model, prototype, or patent, and launch those to market. The book discusses various issues like crowdfunding, while describing ways to meet capital needs. It also has a professional discussion about turning a startup into a company and overcoming the roadblocks that arise. This covers all that is essential for any entrepreneur looking to bring a new product to the market.

I find in this book, an experienced product development professional who is ready to help inventor-entrepreneurs. The step-by-step process flow details, comprehensive instructions, insider tips, and real-life examples are quite valuable. Friendly narration and a logical flow of ideas set this book well apart.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Book Review: Science Communication in a Crisis

Science Communication in a Crisis: An Insider’s Guide by Christopher Reddy. This is a work that try to address the challenges that scientists face when communicating. It examines the problem of navigating a maze of competing interests, while delivering actionable science. The author lists here, the challenges that are of grave importance to science communication, grouping all of those into ten different heads. Each group is covered in a chapter that focuses on the specific issues that could arise, and recommend a list of solutions.

I find in the author, a leader in the study of marine pollution. This book explores several high-profile case studies that caused serious damages to the marine environment, like oil spills, for presenting firm ideas about effective and collaborative exchanging and manipulation of data. I am sure, this book will be a great resource for junior and established scientists for sharpening their vision. And also for students in courses such as environmental and science communication. 

Friday, February 9, 2024

Book Review: Be Human, Lead Human

Be Human, Lead Human by Jennifer Nash. In the forward, an eminent person talks of a book so compelling that one can't put it down. And I am in full agreement.

The first chapter lays down a background for effective leadership. Describing real life examples, next few chapters specify and outline the human element of it all. How one can nurture the strengths and values to culminate in honouring the human in each.

I think, what comes next is the author's patented product. A leadership framework that takes into account a lot of variables like human behavior, neuroscience, or motivation, and an analytical tool called HLI - Human Leadership Index. Chapters that follow debate ways and means to create engagement and well-being. Finally, the most important function of a leader is examined, and that is to inspire all.  

This book presents a wide collection of real-life stories, and many novel ideas of effective, cherish-able, leadership. Conquerors and leaders from all backgrounds and professions feature in this, with the events of significance recounted delightfully. Many mathematical tools and score cards too are there, which makes it easy to assess one's Human Leadership Potential and make this book a worthy companion.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Let Us Fashion our Life on A Clean Slate

A Thought for the Future

Let Us Fashion our Life on A Clean Slate

I have mentioned in my book, Life of Style, about the glaring deficiency of a unique living style for the human. This is quite unlike all the other occupants of earth, whose lifestyle gels with the rest of the planet. We happily continue to copy some other form of life, whose style would be the one suiting whatever be our current need or desire. And, I feel, this peculiarity has been escaping our notice so far, since we go on improvising the style, we copy from all the others and feel thrilled about its unique nature. Moreover, we happily labor a lot for improving our lifestyle, patting ourselves for the results we constantly make, though it is mostly for compensating for the ills, the copied lifestyle continues to cause. Not only this, but also, we overlook the fact that as a result, our life, rather the way we live our life, do not mix seamlessly with the rest of the world, and again, unlike all the other ones.

Interestingly, where it is impossible to be otherwise, we are quick to note that our life does not go well at all, with the environment and all that constitute it. And also, in such circumstances, we incessantly labor to bring in some harmony by correcting everything else but our style of living.

Assuming that we go on living like this, what is waiting for us? Yes, there are plenty of predictions, raising alarms as well as offering corrective suggestions, each focusing on different facets of our current life, lifestyle, or all that comes out of it. I find, none of those account for the origins of our lifestyle, the one that made it into a unique one. I think, this only will be having a major say, as far as the future go. For, it is clear. Unless we address the origins, those improvisations shall turn out to be of no avail. The very same force that landed us with a non-optimum lifestyle, shall now cause the corrected one also to de-link from the optimum. And, fortunes of human race shall depend primarily on what shape, our lifestyle will take. In this light, let me try to envision the issues that could lie ahead and the possible remedies.

I am sure, a real discussion about the future will have to take the past, the present, and the long path that can be traced between the two, into consideration. Our past will be rather sketchy, and more so for the period beyond the advent of printing. The present need not have been so, but it is so, being entirely subjective, and the subjects themselves being highly individualistic. It can be easily seen that one tends to see whatever one wants to see, and it depends on one's current temperament or leaning. And lastly, coming to the long path that lies between the two, one thing stands out. More than the people and their priorities, what stands out at any juncture is the direction, the state, whether belonging to aristocracy, democracy, or something else, have been taking. I therefore feel, effectively, one's future is nothing but the future of the state, one is a part of.

In this light, let us look at our future. Presently, we think of states as nothing but an extension, or a collection, of families, the basic unit of organized human living. I think, no, it is not so. I have mentioned elsewhere, we learned of the possibility of forming a social group, and as an extension, a society, by looking at other forms of life. However, as we needed to give allowance to a heap of widely varying and human-specific transactions, the idea of a political existence too, cropped up. Thereafter, the political as well as the biological impetus coincided, and human family was born. That is, we humans would have been developing an urge to group ourselves following the pattern of organizing a state, since it was serving well.

Accordingly, we can assert, human societies are nothing but states. And social control can be compared to governance of those states. Now, when we examine governance of states, certain aspects that are common to all come to light. Let us say, the major parts of governance are more or less the same, everywhere. Namely, formulation of a policy and its execution, supervision, identification as well as correction of irregularities, and the election, or other means of instituting a team including the head of state, in an ascending order of importance. Whether a nation is following a democratic government or not, choosing a leader assumes the most significant of the spots that defines the nation.

And this idea percolates down. Accordingly, every unit or organization in a state gets assessed, more from the charisma that emanates from the top than anything else. In short, leadership has come to assume the position of the greatest value, overshadowing the necessary and significant contributions from individuals and group, or the results arising from the efforts put in by a wide spectrum of people.

As a consequence, activities of visible governance take the first spot, everywhere. In a nation, the head of state, and in every arrangement or other expedient, the chief executive, stand to merit full and undivided attention. Naturally, all the aspects and indicators of an effective governance, like the ease of living, to mention one, get relegated to spots that fall vacant at random. True, the edifice of government addresses issues, but it is never at an optimum juncture. As a result, a good collection of unaddressed issues become a permanent feature of any human society. Since we have been overlooking this aspect for ages, the dictum of a perpetually violent human society takes over. And we end up designing our state with due allowance for inherent violence. In short, the best is always there to assume leadership, or the most visible spot, like all other forms of life. A calm society is not one of the expectations, unlike all the others. In other words, human society is one designed for violence.

I think we need to note, in every well running machine, it is the invisible internals that do the trick, as far as execution of its designed functions go, both by reacting to signals, and by absorbing unwanted or unexpected parameters like shock, if any. In human society, the invisible internal is an area yet to be researched and studied. And it is not difficult to fathom, we will have the best of the plans, but with limited capabilities of execution. Naturally, issues like how appropriate our design is, how it can be made to gel with whatever aims we may have, do not merit a top spot. Also, there are many more questions of similar vein that do not find a place at all. Consequently, the ones looking after the delivery of plans and programs face considerable difficulty. For example, those involved directly with the execution and materialization aspects of these plans need not get to use the most appropriate of the implements or guidelines. Which perhaps may result in the wide use of improvisations and other stop-gap arrangements. Evidently, not only that the correct, established procedures are not adopted at all levels, but also one will not be exploiting one's capabilities to the optimum. Though the state of the art is faithfully reflected by those conceiving a project, the associated mechanisms of delivery shall be leaving much to be desired. Result: the best of the creation embroiled perpetually in bottlenecks and missing deadlines that many a time led to violence.

Of course, we visualized this, as well as the need for a cure, long back. And for that we kept on adopting many different strategies. Though we couldn't find a fitting one, in the process of coming up with a cure, the aggregate of it metamorphosed into the current lifestyle, we all follow. This lifestyle, especially the fact that there exist a multitude of facets that look obscure or meaningless to all except the ones interested in it, make us to overlook its inherent contradictions.

For example, take the case of implementing a social change. Quite often we see, all but the ones who are to institute a change shall be finding and recognizing a change as an immediate necessity. And for those ones, no change is necessary, since the particular facet of our lifestyle is delivering results. Also, the invisible internals of our society that should have been keeping it well-oiled and responsive, in such a scenario, garner hardly any attention. (The ones who should have been effecting a change do not observe it, since they are already happy with the current state of affairs!)

In fact, this is the reason for the continuation of many obscure and hazardous practices since time immemorial. Such practices are nothing but the leftovers from the state of affairs of the past. And, as suggested, the people who instituted a change would not have been able to recognize those as leftovers to be discarded completely. The others added those to an already overflowing kitty of stuff that is human specific, and thus needs to be attended to at all times. And we are happily accounting for this self-destructive twist in our character by the maxim that ours is a violent society. Else, an answer would have been there by now, this being something too obvious to be missed!

Of course, we also have been overlooking one more significant fact. As I mentioned at the beginning, we humans fashioned family living after our chosen state. But, somewhere on the way we forgot about this, our attention being fully devoted to other visible aspects like the pomp and glory, the leaders carried along. Not only that we did not make enough efforts to modify our living style to align with the messages emanating from the state, but also started to tinker with the state to make it suitable to the current living style. Over the years both our living style and the states' domain of existence have started to de-link from each other, giving rise to random eruptions. Instead of probing, here also, we just paint our race as a violent one. I think there is room for both a living style and a state that are made for each other.

What can we do now? My answer is to try altogether a different approach to the whole issue. Make a complete deviation from the top-down path, we have been following in originating and running human life, as societies. And arrive at a new path, rather a new set of priorities, for human life. Thereafter, reflection of the new path will be seen all over whether it is a small one like a family, a shop, or an office, or a big one like a political party, a business, or a secretariat.

Towards this, we can think of a brand-new path, putting the giant leaps we made in science and technology, to full use. While making its mark felt in all dimensions of our social existence, the new path will ease the complexity of getting ourselves governed. Where, for example, all citizens can be connected to a central server, which shall be issuing directions from various elements of government. It can also be programmed to act on the input from citizens thus connected, appropriately reacting to each and every input. At predetermined intervals, this can also decide on the continuation of the present government as well as, choosing new government, and other features of interest.

One can see, the above system enables a larger share of the state’s population to devote themselves to productive activities. Consequently, wealth, standard of living as well as public happiness, stands to benefit. The invisible internals of our societies shall garner our full and undivided attention. Additionally, computer programs shall be taking over the role of many of the elements of government that are a potential source of wasteful efforts, disagreements, and conflicts. And this can leave a large wealth of population free, for monitoring, research, or other futuristic needs.

Now we can think at ease and come up with an appropriate lifestyle to follow. Quite likely, being an intelligent form of life, we will home on a style that is self-correcting, which will remain an optimum one at all times.

Thursday, February 1, 2024



This book is a record of the misfortunes and trials of life, of the author as well as all those with whom she grew. Initially, it speaks of a mother with an unstable mind with a chorus of demons in her head. Who also has a penchant for violence and drama, where the daughter is always at the receiving end. What follows is a list of family disasters, including the agony of losing her brother. Then comes separation of her parents, both of them finding new marriage partners. Her life continues with her mother and stepdad, whose religious enthusiasm is complete and utter mania with doctrines of fear, damnation, and punishment.

She moves to New York, gets a job as a nanny and begins hobnobbing with the children of the rich. She flirts with a career in managing, a go at lesbian alliances and entertainments, and forays into wild friendships, featuring sex and drugs. Her job takes her to many cities, and she climbs up the managerial ladder. In San Fransisco, she enters into a gay marriage, soon to be followed by marital violence. An unending stream of health issues then arrive, posing an even greater challenge.

The narration retains both suspense and horror, while giving words to a large bunch of traumas and tragedies. I found, in all those wild experiences, mostly with a sumptuous supply of drugs, the description of personal compulsions and issues stand out, evoking sympathy from the reader - and that includes me. As can be expected, one will find in this book, a shining one, who used the phenomenal vastness of her experiences to build, grow, and become stronger.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Book Review: Trouble Ain't Nothing But a Word

In Trouble Ain't Nothing But a Word, Paul O. Scott talks about his life from the young days. The book chronicles the personal and professional challenges, the author faced, his triumphs, and his transformation.

Paul O. Scott, born into a Christian Science family in Chicago, went through a series of experiences. From the early struggles, personal growth, criminal activities, and eventual redemption, Scott's story is a gripping one, which begins with a wonderful childhood, and graduates to his college days. It then truthfully describes activities that shaped the author’s life, the relationships, and career challenges. Followed by the experience of a heart attack and a journey of unbelievable recovery. 

I liked the matter-of-fact way, the author tells his story. The way he talks of his family, relationships, and connections with friends and women, stands out with a clear mark of honesty. As the author says in the book, I would like to 'stay turned and watch' for more from the author.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Trouble free EV ride!

 Imagine batteries are standardized. And those are available at all fuel pump stations. EVs refuel, replacing batteries at such stations whenever needed. Fuel stations recharge batteries and keep those ready. Trouble free EV ride!

A Thought

Governance by Default, till Democratically Removed