Friday, February 9, 2024

Book Review: Be Human, Lead Human

Be Human, Lead Human by Jennifer Nash. In the forward, an eminent person talks of a book so compelling that one can't put it down. And I am in full agreement.

The first chapter lays down a background for effective leadership. Describing real life examples, next few chapters specify and outline the human element of it all. How one can nurture the strengths and values to culminate in honouring the human in each.

I think, what comes next is the author's patented product. A leadership framework that takes into account a lot of variables like human behavior, neuroscience, or motivation, and an analytical tool called HLI - Human Leadership Index. Chapters that follow debate ways and means to create engagement and well-being. Finally, the most important function of a leader is examined, and that is to inspire all.  

This book presents a wide collection of real-life stories, and many novel ideas of effective, cherish-able, leadership. Conquerors and leaders from all backgrounds and professions feature in this, with the events of significance recounted delightfully. Many mathematical tools and score cards too are there, which makes it easy to assess one's Human Leadership Potential and make this book a worthy companion.

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