Monday, November 18, 2024

An Evolution Post Evolution

Birth of A Violent Human Society - An Evolution Post Evolution

After Darwin

Modern human evolved from where Darwin ended. There is nothing to suggest a messy human life, then.  But now, almost all the writings that deal with topics related to our life and living is in complete agreement, about one conclusion. Human life is in a mess, everywhere. Disorder is rampant among those well to do, those not so, and also with all others. What is the reason?

Unless we take the human as a species that has a natural proclivity to self-destructive behavior like violence, there has to be discernible reason for it to be so. Something caused a violent modern man to evolve from a human that followed one of the monkeys.

For finding out, let us once again look at our journey from a brute to the civilized one of today. Examining the path we have taken so far, a little thoroughly. Assume that the fundamental characteristics, like an inquisitive nature, was more or less the same as of today. And also, the propensity to choose the best option from whatever, the current circumstances would offer. That makes each and every one remaining at all tiles, happy and contended for having demonstrated one’s abilities to its brim.

The Old Human

Let us say, from the very first batch itself, human would have been amazed by the variety and attractiveness of all that caught their eye. So, probably, all that they encountered, or otherwise grabbed their time, kept remaining with them as memories or experiences, an accumulated version of which, guiding all further endeavors.

As always, a few among them would have been of a different build or on a deviating trip. They perhaps thought of a possibility of arriving at fresh, different, and more interesting things or its spirit by subjecting the accumulated memory to further manipulation. Succeeding generations followed such a path, the resulting product getting greatly celebrated as knowledge. Our world has never been the same, ever since.

The Singularity of Teaching

Now look. So far, all people would have been monitoring all that they came across, while adding all of those to their memory, ideas of relative merit, significance, etc., yet to germinate. Sure, many among them would have been finding it heavily taxing and would have been on the lookout for a respite. But, at least a few would have been there to relish these and share the burden. What else for others to do but to hold these few in high esteem.

Those who relished it, pressed on with the job and continued to create more knowledge. The more, the laurels that came their way, the harder, their resolve.

Others kept on raining accolades and adulation, making the few come up with even more new and varied vistas of knowledge. In some time, perhaps over some generations, the new entity of knowledge made whatever memories or experience they possessed, redundant. And, as a direct result, those who labored and happened to be successful in the activities related to manipulation of such experiences scaled the pinnacle of acceptability, and heralded the birth of a new profession, teaching.

The Modern Human

Now see. The original style of human living, one nurturing an ever-increasing stock of experience, and taking guidance from those for all their endeavors, died a death. Over time, different ideas that were germinating from such experiences, also came to a full stop. Difference in intellectual build, so far, quite likely viewed as another(harmless) attribute like height, or color, became a variable that is open to manipulation. In all these cases, the new entity called teaching acted as a total replacement for the natural distribution of personal assets. Perhaps, the novelty content of the changed circumstances kept the populace glued to it. Or, the opportunity of escaping from a job of drudgery made the common people go for it.

Over time, teaching took over the role of nature. Consequently, the drive that nature provides to every form of life to follow its style of living, came to a halt. Rather, the drive is being replaced by the current product or state of knowledge, something not equally within the grasp of all. Naturally, inequality has become enshrined for good. If a violent society does not result from this, what else will?

I think, a significant point is this. We are yet to replace whatever was the original lifestyle we lost, when the 'natural drive' was replaced by 'knowledge'. So, we now need to concentrate fully on designing an apt living style and adhering to it for our own good. Perhaps, a fitting lifestyle shall absorb the inequalities too.

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