Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Probable Letter from A Neighbor, to all Earthlings

I am your neighbor. I dwell in a star that is closer to you than any other body in space. We have coiled the space around us, to entertain ourselves with the childish experiments that goes on around your globe, and act, if things go out of hand. As a result, you are yet to sight my abode.
I keep visiting you often, of course a few times in a millennium, going by your measures. My first visit was a little long ago, when I was a child. Your lands were very fertile, endowed with fruits, flowers, seeds, and other things needed for enjoying merrily, one’s life. And you all had a lot of free time, which you used to spent for everything other than this.
It was amusing to see you all engaged perpetually in a few repetitive activities like choosing kings or rulers, who would then continue to keep you entertained, with day to day affairs, wars, things of magnificence like the pyramids, and so on. I found, a few among you continue to come up with imaginative ideas of the past, present, and future, of both the real, and the abstract. As a result of all this, and as generations went by, the esoteric stories that kept you entertained, took position as entities beyond understanding, and encompassing all affairs of life and living.
Let me come to the visits, I have been making, approximately once in a few centuries. On every visit, I could observe many a change. However, your obsession with imaginative ideas and an incessant thirst for novelty was seen as a permanent feature. As. on each visit, what used to attract my attention most, is the penchant you all have for fetching and immersing in the uncommon or the esoteric.
At any time, both the past and the future can be seen, equally acceptable as feeders for such ideas. Some, who are more imaginative, resourceful, and patient since ideas may take some time to fructify, opt for the future. And others, who generally are not endowed much, remain happy with the past, and align even more happily with all those fantastic ideas you attribute to the ancients. You see, an idea that can keep one enamored can come from the past, only when one include the irrational, that is, by throwing to winds, the need for a semblance of logic. (Religion comes to the rescue here. One can identify many such ideas through the theistic doctrines of the day and some more with the reigning philosophical and literary thought) These ideas hence turn out to be a force to be reckoned with, as their content, though may be devoid of substance, take a position of prominence.
For many visits, I could see a war going on between the two. One group taking religious identity as the prime sign, and another, whose identity being always on the move. At any instant, if the former was made to feel overwhelmed by a new proposition by the other group, and the threat from whose unbridled celebrations lasting for a while, they were quick to re-arrange their narrative to accommodate seamlessly, any such proposition. (This ability, however is on the decrease, the experience of my past visits tell me. As I am eagerly looking for changed parameters, I can see all around the globe, highly spirited attempts to align with the past, which is currently on the increase.)

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