Thursday, February 7, 2019

Digital Goverment

We can turn democracy into a very efficient and trouble free form of governance, if we can remove the bumps that are always associated with the governmental machinery, primarily of the decision making process. And for this, when we utilize the incomparable capability of modern computers, one can expect fantastic results.
There are many options. One, where each and every voter can be given the choice of suggesting any name, except one's own. The one getting the maximum mentions can then become the representative. Two, voters can choose directly the government, doing away with the necessity of representatives, or of a house itself. Three, all can be given the opportunity to approve, modify, or discard each and every decree or other relevant activities of the government, which can do away with the need of an elected part of government, altogether.

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A Thought

Governance by Default, till Democratically Removed