Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Celebrate Unhappy Times

What is the real cause of unhappiness? Unhappiness, I think is a natural part of life, a default property. Let us see how.
Pleasant and unpleasant experiences constitute our life. When experiences are pleasant, we moderate our speed, thereby letting the current ambience to continue longer. 
When those are unpleasant, we strive hard. And we can say, this results in an increase in the entropy of life.
In case of the former, as we continue happily with the current ambience, it starts to stagnate. This gives result to a persisting feeling of unease, which we identify as unhappiness, tiredness, or simply, boredom. Or, life loses entropy.
In the latter case, both pleasant and unpleasant experiences flourish in intervals. There is no specific feeling of universal stature, since the experiences continuously vary. Hence, though there can be many unpleasant events, the overall feeling is an endearing one. And there is no loss of entropy.
Thus We can see, the real cause of unhappiness lies in the stagnation of feelings, which is a direct result of the reduction in activity, mostly brought in by pleasant events.
Or, both happiness and unhappiness keep occurring in our lives as a direct result of the way we confront life, not because of the pleasant and unpleasant experiences one may get, as it is widely perceived. In happy times, we loosen our guard, inviting unhappiness. And in unhappy times, we limit our experiences, inviting more unhappiness.
We need to celebrate unhappy times!

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