Saturday, November 11, 2017

All My Books

Why caste, a relic of the dark ages, did not evolve into a modernized version in the natural course of events, though other remnants of that era gave way to modernism. Why it didn't whither away, though there is nobody who does not earnestly say that they want to see its' demise. This book is trying to answer that by taking a unique approach the problem. Although what is vogue is to consider caste as something imposed from above, sufficient reasons are given pointing to the contrary and explaining why people would have been in more or less consonance with this system.
The unsure male reveals how, female species across the board happen to civilize Male, and for what benefit. Also, what makes the male willingly go for it. How and why male learns to stretch, whatever may be of interest, to its limits, and immerse in it. How that led to formalities, niceties and all forms of extremism, including the few that are a grave threat to happy living, and the many that are helpful, enjoyable or life saving.
(When writing this book, I never thought the ideas presented here in a lighter vein will prove to be of great significance, more so to the present global happenings)
Autobiographical anecdotes written by a "common man with an uncommon family"
A non-fiction philosophical collection, intended to provoke, even infuriate the reader at times. Observations about libido and gender, discussions on religion, contrasting the material and the spiritual worlds, views about terrorism and extremism, reviews of GMO crops, chemical fertilizers and organic farming, many facets of global warming with discussion about how, differing philosophies may see the phenomena as something to adapt to rather than to attempt to curtail, are some of ‘touchy’ the topics covered here.
A SciFi novel, about an inventor who travels to the future. He goes to 3000 AD and meets with our successors. He happens to learn certain horrible stories of our coming years before reaching the point of no return.
Another non-fiction philosophical collection, intended to provoke, even infuriate the reader at times. A book that critically examines our idea about, our life and lifestyle, evolution, knowledge, worry, and many other topics of interest.
How we can make our nature help us in giving ourselves a healthy, peaceful society.
Yes, we can easily bring lasting peace to a society. We only need to devalue a bit, cultural values. How? Begin by kicking out freewill from its lofty pedestal.
How do we do it, and why we need to do so? What do we need to forgo? And what more do we need to do, for our future to have a good future?
We always say, human is an unfathomable one. But why do we declare ourselves as the unfathomable? Even though, our unfathomable status is but an excuse that can ratify any act, how-much-ever unreasonable, dangerous, irrational, or even self-destructive, for no rhyme or reason. What do we gain?

email me for a free e-copy

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A Thought

Governance by Default, till Democratically Removed