Sunday, September 1, 2019

Another go at Peace

Why is that humans have the practice of identifying each one by a unique name that does not carry any form of information or intelligence? In fact it seems long back in history, names always carried some information that is relevant to the society, surviving old names, like Miller, Smith, etc., show.
An important lesson we all learn in our initial days of association, be it with programming, engineering, medicine, science, or arts, is that the variables, constants, or other entities, especially the ones that are subject to manipulations, are to be named in an intuitive way. Which will obviate such entities getting mixed up, while ensuring a seamless flow of reasoning and judgement, an essential feature of success, anywhere.
Now imagine we all are named in such a manner. That is, each name will somehow indicate the salient features of one’s connection with the entity (constant, variable, etc) that is of current interest. Think of the benefits. Every social transaction shall be meeting its desired end, as there is no mismatch. Nobody shall be feeling the need to assert oneself, and neither will one feel the urge to ignore, since all those who take part in various transactions, are the ones made for each other. For example, if I need a loan, I can approach the person whose name shall be indicating, say a big heart, or if I need to dispose off something, I can ask the ones whose name sound needy. Gone are the irritated, disappointed, or the thankless, and ones who are otherwise pissed off.
You see, life is so simple.
Aren’t humans an interesting lot? They know, having a meaningful way of identifying an entity, makes it easy, everything that follows. And they apply this logic everywhere, in things living or abstract.
But they have been carefully avoiding this in naming themselves, which would have altered history. And by doing so, they opened up an easy way for misunderstandings, redundancies, and other negative aspects, to prevail, leading to social disharmony and danger of self annihilation. (This is another proof to my theory that humans have an ulterior interest to keep life complex!)
Then they rightly identified the prevailing danger and its cause, and is constantly instituting corrective measures. Surprisingly, almost all remedial measures are aimed at making humans more accommodating to such divergent views, ideas, and practices. Whereas, a more meaningful name would have eliminated the possibility of such dividing forces, in the first place.
What do we need to do? Why can’t we think of rolling names? One is given a name at birth, which could point to the salient features that are of significance, at that age. The name can undergo changes at every stage that necessitate addition or deletion of features, like completing education, gaining experience, or other eventualities of interest. When we communicate, each of us would naturally assume relevant roles, for example, one of authority, one of receptiveness, or submission, such that there isn’t any loss. And, each and every one will feel encouraged to live up to one’s name, making peace only, to prevail.

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