Book Review: 'A Brief Guide to LIVING WITH DANGER' by Mike Dixon. The book is much more than the title, it made me worldly wiser. That too, in many ways.
It begins with an overview of dangerous sports, like Speed Skydiving, Wingsuit Flying, Scuba Diving, Shark Feeding, etc. Which is made even sweeter by the the friendly tips and anecdotes by the author. A brief, but informative study of many natural disasters, like, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Wild Fires, El Nino, etc., then follows, which gives answers to many questions, a layman could have. An interesting commentary of the dangers, of social life I think, follows it. The hidden troubles of many the our social customs we take for granted, are explained here. Honey Traps of various styles, Mafia, and other smart operatives of the street, finds a mention here. The book then talks about how our ancestors started to put their knowledge to diabolical use, and how we progressed it exponentially to reach the vast variety of warfare techniques that are in use today. Prevailing military concepts like Biological Warfare, Chemical Warfare, Cyber Warfare, etc. are analyzed here. Our race did not achieve all this without a price, I think, and the is what the author tries to say in the following chapter. Where, major outbreaks of disease that swept around the world and caused massive loss of life, and threats like virus, and bacteria are described. Hazards still not end. Humans tend to invite dangers. Crocodile Farming, nurturing violent gangs like Yakuza, etc., takes up the space here.' by Mike Dixon. The book is much more than the title, it made me worldly wiser. That too, in many ways.
It begins with an overview of dangerous sports, like Speed Skydiving, Wingsuit Flying, Scuba Diving, Shark Feeding, etc. Which is made even sweeter by the the friendly tips and anecdotes by the author. A brief, but informative study of many natural disasters, like, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Wild Fires, El Nino, etc., then follows, which gives answers to many questions, a layman could have. An interesting commentary of the dangers, of social life I think, follows it. The hidden troubles of many the our social customs we take for granted, are explained here. Honey Traps of various styles, Mafia, and other smart operatives of the street, finds a mention here. The book then talks about how our ancestors started to put their knowledge to diabolical use, and how we progressed it exponentially to reach the vast variety of warfare techniques that are in use today. Prevailing military concepts like Biological Warfare, Chemical Warfare, Cyber Warfare, etc. are analyzed here. Our race did not achieve all this without a price, I think, and the is what the author tries to say in the following chapter. Where, major outbreaks of disease that swept around the world and caused massive loss of life, and threats like virus, and bacteria are described. Hazards still not end. Humans tend to invite dangers. Crocodile Farming, nurturing violent gangs like Yakuza, etc., takes up the space here.
I found the book quite informative, and easy to read.