Monday, January 29, 2018

Book Review: SOFT SKILLS

SOFT SKILLS  by  Manmohan Josh is about the unseen side of ability. That those who work needs to have certain abilities that allow them to do their jobs effectively. These abilities are known as hard or technical skills and normally there are formal ways of acquiring these. But there are certain qualities, which are generally encompassing attitudes, habits and how we interact with other people. These qualities, known as soft skills, also contrbutes to success.
The discussion begins by explaining the many aspects of personality develpoment and related tools, like SWOT analysis. After an overview of leadership, and management, with emphasis on various styles, the all important topic of the modern times, stress, is discussed. Close to which comes a few more connected topics, thinking skills and its application to problem solving. Infact the most significant area of the manifestation of such skills, namely decision making, forms the core of the next chapter. A grand overview of the styles and socpe of communication, workplace ethics, as well as the importance of personal qualities in relation to work, brings the short and sweet book to a close.
I found this book a good commentary on the state of the art, as far as personal management go. And of the qualities one should necessarily have, for a successful tenure anywhere.

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