Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Humans and their Signs

The earliest of human ancestors appeared five to seven million years ago. But why do we have this large gap with no signs of life, from millions of years back when human race began, to a few millenniums BCE where we have the first signs of a civilization? And why we have too many signs of human existence, since then?

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Ozone flip flop

Efforts for environmental protection is bearing fruit. Now the ozone layer has rebounded, and scientists predict that by 2060-2075, the ozone layer will be back to its pre-1950s levels. Is this the reason, why Trump is unconcerned about it?

Monday, May 29, 2017

More about irrational

I can see it clearly nowadays, human beings like to to indulge with the irrational, that too without any worry about the repercussions. Things like faith, art, or science would have started as excuses for the same.
Sometimes the irrational happens to be helpful to oneself, appealing to all, or generally beautiful, sometimes not. When it is the former, we see providence, luck, or hard work, and we venerate, celebrate, or reward appropriately. But when it is the latter, and when we can't close our eyes to it, we might object.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

What do global events prove?

Excerpt from my book, The Unsure Male "Human race is just passing through the crest of accommodating nature, tolerant behavior and progressive outlook. If we consider the world to have passed through, Archaic period, Middle ages, Machine Age, Atomic Age, Space Age and Information Age, to reach the present, the future can undoubtedly be termed as The Age of The Irrational. The future, with the disappearance of moderate societies and the growth of the orthodox ones, beckons us with hard times, and unspeakably so, for women." Wasn't I right in writing this?

Saturday, May 27, 2017

How societies differ

Human society is everywhere arranged into smaller chunks that are generally always at unease with each other. How could this have happened? What can we do? 
Published a 'hub'

Friday, May 26, 2017


When old men are carried in hearse,
They wonder, "This expense is great;
Of course by all means
Is simply immense,
But it doesn't come out of my purse".

When seeking some titles of honour,
Remember, this is a great feat
Unlike the former
't is a winner
Plan to give title some honour.

There was a judge sitting in chamber,
Who told the culprit, "My fellow",
"I take you a great fool".
"You are the learned",
Said he "We both are mistaken."

Sunday, May 21, 2017


We are looking at mythology as dead history, not realizing its great contributions as well as greater prospects.
Is our idea about mythology right? Published a 'hub' on this topc

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Reason for Unrest?

We derive happiness in two ways.
One, from whatever we do (eating, drinking, reading, stealing, ...) in a rational manner, that is, within certain limits. This satisfies some physical need, of hunger, thirst, entertainment, information,, etc. Its relevance in the ambit of our metabolic needs is constantly a subject of study.
Two, from whatever we do (excessive indulgences, terrorism, ...) in an irrational manner. This could be for meeting some of our abstract needs, of making a record, to share toast, for ceremonies, etc. This also is to satisfy us in some way, and it's relevance in the ambit of our metabolic needs, needs further study.
(I did study this, as discussed in my book, The Unsure Male.)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Philosophical Era?

Is this century going to be an era of phiosophical change?
Let us see. 'Philosophy' is from philo ("love") and sophia ("wisdom"). A Greek word meaning 'lover of wisdom' (philosopher) to contrast with another Greek word meaning 'wise man' (sophist). The three divisions of wisdom correspond to the three major sub-sets of philosophy, namely (Meta)physics, Ethics, and Logic. To be wise one need to know what are real things, among them what is good for whatever is one's need, and how to think such that one reaches the answers to those questions. Why should we expect this to change?
Let us see. Humans acquired philosophy from the answers they found. The earliest civilization to need answers happened to be The Greek. Whichever way they acquired the answers, whether by traveling to Africa for studying with the wise men of ancient Egypt, as suggested by some experts, or by their own vision, they created the Greek Golden Era. Many records of esoteric transactions remain, garnering the interest of, mainly, scholars.
Many years later, the changes brought in by industrial revolution made such records universally accessible. Physics kept on going forward, taking us along. And we continued to dwell on ethics, logic, and all, keeping pace with physics. Hence we have distinct concepts of good-bad, light-dark, true-false, etc., and our ideas about the ways to think held on. Philosophy keeping in phase with our observations.
But now, nature of physics is likely to face a change, if quantum effects are to play a part. (which, it will have to, anyway) And, all our observations shall be reflecting that change. Don't we need to rehash ethics, logic, and all, to keep pace with that change? For example, rewrite the entire collection of philosophy, incorporating rather indistinct concepts in all our transactions. Ideas of good-bad, light-dark, true-false, etc., giving place to new, rather hazy entities that are neither good nor bad, neither true nor false, etc.? All our existing ideas about the ways to think, will no more hold.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Book Review: Cool It

'Cool It!' by Carole Spiers is a book about Anger Management & Conflict Resolution
. This is important, since it can lead to untold damage both to the organisation and the individuals involved. The book begins with an overview of the three essential methods of conflict resolution - negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Next chapter deals with conflict, where the emphasis is on taking positive action. Different categories of conflict are then analyzed, with a discussion about violence and aggressive behavior. Strategies for effective management of conflict is discussed next. In addition to the three essential methods, a more helpful and productive way to deal with this is identified here, prevention.
The book then describes verious techniques of communicating effectively, like, active listening, summarizing, paraphrasing, re-directing criticisms to one's advantage, etc. It familiarizes us with a bunch of additional skills needed for conflict management - like the power of conciliatory approach.
Conflict reduction planning is then discussed, how to identify problems, and evolve sets of solutions. In all our discussions the actual strategy adopted will greatly depend on the personality type of those involved, and a discussion on different styles of personality and the effective approach to be taken while confronting people of each style, is covered next.
This I think is a bible, as far as conflicts go.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Book Review: 50 Ways to fall in love with your life

'50 WAYS TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR LIFE' by GAY WALLEY is full of ideas and ways to keep our “juice” going, keep feeling passionate and renewed with enthusiasm for life, even with “all the slings and arrows of misfortune” that beset us daily. Various ideas are given that can reignite whatever spirit is lost, like, Spend time with old friends, Eliminate what is wasting your time, Hire someone to do the little things you don’t like to do, Listen to music, etc. Each idea is elaborated, bringing out the salient features and recommending appropriate modalities of use, and the benefits expected. Ideas are fairly simple in nature and easy to follow, which makes this book a recommended companion for life.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

To review evolution?

Evolution is a great theory, I agree. It is the greatest theory in all of science, since it tries to answer one of the most difficult of all questions – Why are we, what we are? But we also need to re-examine this theory from the perspective of an altruistic animal.

Monday, May 1, 2017

How humans evolve

Evolution is one of the greatest theories in all of science, so say all. It sets out to explain life: specifically, how the first simplest form of life gave rise to all of the huge diversity we see today, from bacteria to oak trees to blue whales. Why are biologists so certain about this? What is the evidence? Is it like this: Given enough time, these changes mount up and lead to the appearance of new species and new types of organism, one small change at a time? Step by step, worms became fish, fish came onto land and developed four legs, those four-legged animals grew hair and – eventually – some of them started walking around on two legs, called themselves "humans" and discovered evolution.
If that so, evolution is not a phenomenon of the past. It is an active process occurring even now. The emergence of new strains of influenza, drug-resistant cancer cells, and pesticide-resistant insects demonstrate that the genetic makeup of populations changes over time by the process of natural selection. Within the population of influenza viruses, for example, some viruses are naturally resistant to the drugs used to treat them. As a result, the resistant viruses survive and reproduce and new influenza vaccines must be created to treat the newly evolved strain. Laboratory experiments also demonstrate evolution in action. Using rapidly reproducing species such as bacteria, yeast, and fruit flies, scientists have shown that altering the environmental conditions in which these organisms exist can induce genetic changes within the population.
What about humans? What signs can we see here? I think we are looking at humans as another form of life. No, humans differ from other forms of life. They keep finding problems for themselves, in the shape of solutions to existing problems. This act, what could be loosely termed thinking, effectively, turns human into an altruistic animal. And we constantly see, our ideas and thoughts undergoing transformation contnuously. In the visible sphere, one area this can be most easily felt is, fashion. More inclusive aspects of this can be seen in matters that keep our society engaged at any given time. Like presently, the attraction we show to everything 'natural'. 
Which essentially is another wayside stop for evolution?

A Thought

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