Reviewed By Tommy Wong for Readers’
-'The Unsure Male: Final Answer to
All Questions Unanswered' by author JT is a book on
human evolution. Indeed, according to the subtitle, the book touches on “The
future of life, of the human race too.” Right at the beginning, the book raises
the question: “Why has nature left almost all the important facilitators of
male-female union to vagaries of individual choice, especially when the very
consummation of the union is the most crucial and irreplaceable part of the
continuation of species?” Then, the book follows up with other points, such as
the “unprofessional” nature and the “performance” issue of the male.
Then comes
the main contribution of the book, and this too I can resonate with. It shows
that there is a “performance” issue in the male. To solve this issue, for those
with high mental caliber, they immerse themselves in intense perception,
learning and reasoning. For others, they use entertainment or drinking. Ah,
this explains why there is so much drinking. But the spin on the solutions to the
performance issue is surprising. The book suggests that this is an escape from
the dreadful experiences during the post union stage of mating. Really? You see
why I said this book offers an unorthodox view. This is also, of course, the
“unsure male” the book is referring to.
I found this
book thought provoking as it presents an unorthodox view on human evolution and
the future of the human race. The opening question is indeed intriguing. Isn’t
this the crux of human survival? I am fascinated by the demonstration that the
nature of the male is “unprofessional” as compared to the “professional”
outlook of the female. I have to say this sounds true to me, but how will the
male’s ego take it?
-'Caste - The Unexplored Territories' by author JT is a good book on the exploration of caste. As caste is defined
as 'a rigid social class into which members are born and from which they can
escape or withdraw with extreme difficulty' by Lundenberg, JT added that it is
a type of stratification system, which is most rigid in matters of mobility and
distinction of status. Further, social class can be thought of as ‘presenting
the external view of social organization', while caste can be thought of as
‘the internal, abstract view'. As such, the caste system is well worth
exploring and in this book JT has examined it for the caste system in India.
The book covers the theories, the development, the evolution, and the
progression of caste in the first four chapters. It then covers the caste and
nationalist movements, the singularities of caste in the next two chapters, and
a summary of caste in the final chapter.
I find the
contents of this book extremely impressive as it contains many intriguing
points. I particularly like the seven theories of caste system, how the caste
system insulated India from the influence of communism, and how the reservation
system worked against the lower caste. I am even more fascinated by how the
British treated the caste system completely differently in India as compared to
Australia, and how Mahatma Gandhi was actually against the caste system. The
book is well written and the sequence of the chapters is well thought out,
bringing a deep insight of the caste system to readers. Congratulations, JT!
Unsure Male: Final Answer to All Questions Unanswered' Humorous
and Unique Study of an Age Old Subject
By Kenneth R. Davison
August 12, 2015
The Preface of The Unsure Male - The Rationale For The
Irrational is an absolutely delightful introduction to author JT's inspiration
to delve into an exploration of an age-old and sometimes controversial subject.
He uses amusing anecdotal comparisons found in nature of the behavior of male
and female to set the stage.
He then explores the theory of evolution as it relates to male
and female and the role it plays in the development of both sexes throughout
history. This history is extremely well researched and documented. As well as
the research, he uses comparisons of nature throughout the book. Some of his
observations I found to be not only thought provoking, but intensely humorous!
Such as, "Why do men chase women they have no intention of marrying? The
same urge that makes dogs to chase cars they have no intention of
driving." And "Sure, God created man before woman. But then you
always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece."
This is an extremely intelligent, humorous and unique study of
a subject that will surely continue to be a matter of debate for years to come.
This book and the theories presented in it would make an excellent choice for
book groups - it would undoubtedly lead to hours of lively discussion. Well
done to author JT, this is a book that will keep both males and females
thinking well after they finish the last chapter.
By KB August 11, 2015
This book is
fascinating collections of perceptions and observations of JT the author. The
theme is an examination of the female and male energetic and behavior
qualities. Across the board females, in the frog species, the animal species
all the way up to humans, JT observes are the female is superior in many ways.
He goes on to say males have what is called evolution disorder and performance
He gives
examples of frogs in the fright or flight syndrome, It is the females who
escaped nearby to safety, while the males being males were slow and escaped to
a further location making them more vulnerable to attack. In the animal kingdom
the lioness is the hunter and the male is the protector, as he does not have
the instinct and strategies of the female.
Written by a
male his observations are females are polite,personal and punctual while males
were shown to be slower, more aggressive, tend to waste time and be less
to say the least, as in many cultures women is suppressed and considered
inferior. Many times to be supervised and managed as their beliefs dictated.
I believe
the author's observations are devoid of other factors and maybe should be
explored further. He has a point.
In our
culture the male is expected to social, responsible and in leader ship
positions. The female has to balance family and career. As the author discuss
one has to want to evolve and the males just may be a little slower. I must
admit women have been civilizing males since the beginning of time.
Female and
Male qualities in of itself are neither good or bad but to be recognized and
embraced as male, female behaviors are in each and every one of us. Not one is
superior or inferior. We will evolve to learn from each other and unite.
5.0 out of 5 stars FASCINATING EXPOSE
M. Perks February 13, 2016
Although this is a study of the differences between the sexes,
it is also a study of the human behaviour and how it evolved. What could have
been a complex book with lots of jargon, turned out to be a short book of great
interest, written in an easy to follow manner that can be understood by laymen
like me.. Obviously a lot of research has gone into it, and I must admit I
learnt a lot from this. Although it is the normal type of book I read, the
author is to be congratulated kin the concept of the book and its execution.
5.0 out of 5
stars Five Stars!
A Reader on January 31, 2016
Five stars!
I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. The Unsure
Male is a very interesting and fascinating book. I found it to be a very quick
read and easy to understand. Highly intelligent and deep. It focuses on men and
woman and how they differ in their make and up and lives. It does it in a very
smart and even sensitive way that comes off as very straight forward and
focused. I recommend this book for both men and women who seek insight on our
make up and evolution. Good read!
3.0 out of 5 stars Good
Ruty@ReadingDreaming on
January 17, 2016
'The Unsure Male' is an interesting book that focuses on the
difference between men and women. It begins questioning evolution and then uses
animal behavior as a starting point.
It's is a very intelligent book and you can tell the author
did a very deep research work. It presents a lot of scientific statistics and
facts which give the book a solid background. There are articles quoted and
many links to continue with the topic.
Its length makes it fast to read and the writing style is very
I could say that it's a continuous comparison between male and
female behavior but it’s deeper than that. It’s an observation of the human
condition and its history. Through relatable examples is easy to understand the
author observations.
However, I like it but didn't love it. Like I said, it's an
intelligent book but is not something to read just for fun.
4.0 out of 5
stars The Killer Ape
J. Rogers Barrow October 22, 2015
This text is
the work of Roy James, of the Indian Navy, retired. He has written a number of
other books. James notes the role of human aggression and its connection with
evolution. The book is crafted with care. The book could be of use for school
and other projects. Well done!
5.0 out of 5 stars More Deadly than the Male
Bailey October
21, 2015
‘When the Himalayan
peasant meets the he-bear in his pride/ He shouts to scare the monster, who
will often turn aside/ But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth
and nail/ For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.’ So Mr.
Kipling told us more than a hundred years ago. Now, in his admirable book ‘The
Unsure Male’, JT reveals many other differences between male and female. As a
woman it came as no surprise to me to discover that we are more productive,
efficient and logical than our male counterparts, but this book carefully
examines not just the differences between men and women, but also explores just
how these differences have manifested themselves through the ages. A
fascinating read.
5.0 out of 5
stars Why can't a woman be more like a man?
Yanville on October 20, 2015
In My Fair
Lady Henry Higgins posed the question ‘Why can’t a woman be more like a man?’
At last we have someone who can provide the answer. In his carefully considered
and thorough exposition of a comparison of the sexes Roy T James (JT) leaves no
stone unturned. Starting with the evolution of the species and making
comparisons between humans, insects and mammals JT leads us through his
examination of the behavioural traits of man and woman through the ages in an
informative, entertaining and often amusing way. This is a must read for anyone
who wants to understand what makes the other half tick.
3.0 out of 5 stars... basic
knowledge of evolution and its consequences in a great way.
Sankalpita Singh on October 5, 2015
The book overall is quite an interesting and insightful read
and if read with full focus and concentration will surely help increase our
basic knowledge of evolution and its consequences in a great way.
4.0 out of 5
stars Instruction manual for
understanding the male of the species?
Kristin A. Scearce on March 20, 2015
This book
really makes it easy to understand the whole "men are from Mars, women are
from Venus" idea by explaining just what makes each side of the spectrum
tick, obviously more so on the male perspective. Being a woman and reading all
of this from a male POV, I found this very interesting as to the reason why so
many men are "afraid" or "incapable" of commitment. Easy to
follow, funny at times, with just enough information to keep you invested but not
bore you to tears. Nice little instruction manual! =)
'Caste -
The Unexplored Territories'
An in-depth study of Caste Syatem
Saxena August 25, 2015
An in depth study of the caste system as well as its
advantages and pitfalls have been well discussed by the author. A engrossing
work and value for time spent on it.
4.0 out of 5
stars Interesting discourse
Brenchris on February 8, 2015
This book is
a short discourse with lots of references and links to other websites for more
It was more
like a paper for a school project.
It was
rather interesting
5.0 out of 5 stars Interesting and informing
Krueger on February 3, 2015
This is not a book meant to entertain, rather, it is meant to
inform, an examination of the caste system in India and by extension societies
in general. The book explores the history of the caste system, rationalization
for its existence, and progression through the years. Although caste has
evolved, it continues to exist.
As explained in the book, caste is a rigid social class system
from which it is difficult to escape. The definition can be expanded to all
societies because there are distinctions of wealth and status, and race and
religion. Within our own country, we have a history of beliefs (in many regards
like caste) associated with evil (slavery), extreme prejudice (segregation),
and difference of wealth and social status. In a broad sense, individuals have
mobility to move-up, but don't class difference continue to exist?
The author makes his case by describing the evolution of caste
(extend the meaning to include other cultures) and that it must be eliminated
before it is too late. (The question is to what end, to what kind of society?)
The book identifies reasons why caste has been accepted in India. Is this not
true in our society even though our prejudices seem to be in remission?
Each of us can gain by reading this book. See also his book
Why Evolve. Reviewed by the author of The Children's Story, About Good and
5.0 out of 5
stars`As the cure is not working, we
need to change medication'
Grady Harp HALL OF FAME TOP 100
REVIEWER September 26, 2014
The author
of this illuminating short book that examines the caste system is simply
designated as `JT' - no biographical data is offered nor is there any reference
to be found on the Internet to offer the reader of his/her credentials. The
only aspect of this JT is that the mind of this author is exceptionally well
informed and has researched the topic of caste from every angle. After a deeply
moving preface of why the author came to write this book, he begins his
dissection of the concept and history of caste.
JT poses the
question, `Why does caste continue to exist?' in India in defiance of `progress
in all other parts of the world. Early in the discussion he states, "Caste
is merely a rigid social class into which members are born and from which they
can escape or withdraw with extreme difficulty". In other words, it is a
type of stratification system, which is most rigid in matters of mobility and
distinction of status.' He prods the origins of caste: `Racial theory - that
caste system is a gift of Aryans, Political theory - that caste system is an
invention of Brahmins, Occupational theory - that caste system is the
functional differentiation of occupational differences, Traditional theory -
that caste system is of divine origin aimed to maintain social harmony, Guild
theory -that caste system is the product of interaction between guilds, tribes
and religion, Religious theory - that caste system is the institutionalization
of prevailing customs, each caste being the followers of certain deity and
Evolution theory - that caste system is a product of social evolution moderated
by various factors , like prejudices , lack of control mechanisms, geographic
isolation of Indian peninsula as well as conquerors' policies...from
conquests by
Muslims, Europeans and the British, and lately, Russian revolution and the
influence of communism on Indian thought.'
has failed, social stratification in other regions has failed, other countries
treat the downtrodden lower minorities with lynching, genocide, forced
abortion, reproduction controls, burning at the stake (think Ku Klux Klan),
etc, so why must it continue in India today? JT doesn't provide answers - he
instead poses questions to the reader about how intolerable the preservation of
this inequality continues. He references many sources from every category of
thought. `The medicine which is being tried towards amelioration of the victims
of caste is reservation. It can be easily observed that we are applying that
cure with no regard to its consequences, just as we followed the caste system with
no regard to its ill effects. It is only logical to realize that, even without
considering that, as the cure is not working, we need to change medication.'
Though the
book may be difficult to read because of all the terms Western readers find
unfamiliar, there is no doubt that this is an important document that should be
required reading by all concerned with human rights and sociological reform.
Grady Harp, September 14