is a guide written with the Baby Boomer generation, the period before, say
2009. Those, who may find difficulty in adjusting to the downsizing of life, to
be coped with, during post retirement years as one prepared oneself for the
youth ahead during adolescence. Approaching the issue in a logical and
dispassionate manner, the recipe put forth by the author takes Maslow’s views
on contentment, the five stages of grief at the loss of something dear, and the
need to plan, while suggesting an endless list of sources of companionship,
hobbies, pastimes and other useful ventures. The author implores us to see
retirement as the beginning of a two-stage process where the preparation is
done in the retirement zone. “There is still a zone to go where you will enjoy
all the fruits of your retirement preparation”.
RETIREMENT-BOOMER’S GUIDE TO SURVIVING DOWNSIZING by Sandra W. Evans is also a collection of practical notes to take on
the retirement life fruitfully. “Your future is in front of you, full of all
the possibilities and opportunities that you have chosen to embrace, You now
feel a sense of pride in everything that you have accomplished up to this point
in your life”, she says. With impetus on the holistic conduct of life’s later
years and emphasis placed on the gainful utilization of ones abilities and
experiences for living a fuller, happy life, this book can greatly assist in
self-actualization. With helpful forms, diagrams and lists to adopt the
author’s suggestions in real life, this guide can go a long way in empowering
one in taking that inevitable leap into retirement, with ease.
Reviewed by Roy
T James for Reader's Favorite
Anthony Simolia, in ‘The
Roving Mind: A Modern Approach to Cognitive Enhancement’ deals with a subject that involves
all streams of science, medicine and other areas like holistic healing. His
explanations are simple and elegant, like Mind is what brains do or the
analysis of brain as a chemical machine.
The book begins with an attempt to understand what
intelligence in general and human intelligence in particular is, by
inversion—looking at what they are not. He dwells on the topics of cognitive
enhancement by suitable diet and type of food to avoid, what habits are good
for health, what type of food are cognitive enhancers, discussion on racetams,
how to sharpen the mind, techniques of active recall as well as other methods
of stimulation of memory. He also introduces the concepts of lucid dreaming,
describes recent advancements in neuroscience and discusses the pros and cons
of cognitive enhancement. He however warns readers that sifting through endless
inferior informational resources is not the optimal way to go about acquiring
specific knowledge or improving cognitive performance.
Though the subjects covered is more or less specific and
narrow in nature, the tone and tenor of presentation makes it fit for a more
general audience. However, a short outline of the contents to follow, at the
beginning of the chapter would have been a great help, if a suggestion for
improvement is a must.
Almost every page introducing a novel concept for the reader,
this book has the potential to satiate the book hungry.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Round the Bend’ by
Alistair McGuinness is the story of the
couple, Alistair McGuiness and his wife Fran, from their home town of Luton, UK
to one edge of the world, Australia enjoying many of the unchartered tourist
sites en route. First they headed to the jungles where Amazon flow, scaled the
mountains, made friendship with the villager people, became their teacher of
sorts, scaled more of the lands, Bolivia, Peru and others. Thereafter travel to
Tanzania, trek up Kilimanjaro and then fly to Zimbabwe to pick up an organized
tour. The hired truck would weave a path through southern Africa, arriving at
Cape Town eight weeks later. Then they travel to their final destination,
‘Round the Bend’ by
Alistair McGuinness is full of
excitement, whether the glitch with immigration for Fran, the stay in the wild
in makeshift tents, or getting caught wearing underpants on the head, the
honeymooning non-swimmers caught in a ship, rolling and pitching in the stormy
sea, there is never a dull moment, with this travelogue. They both finally make
it to Australia, where they still reside.
I have read many travel books, but while reading Around the Bend, I felt part
of that team, sharing equally with them, all the drama and excitement. In Round
the Bend Alistair shares his travels with the reader in such a way that the
reader will find great difficulty to remind him, that he is not part of the
travelling team. As the author quotes in the end “Once you have travelled, the
voyage never ends, but is played out
over and over again in
the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” Highly
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘RE-WIRED’ by Greg
Dragon tells the
story of Brad Barkley, who is a student busy with creating his new android,
Tricia. His only break is a few exchanges with his college mate Mika, with whom
he is unsuccessful in making a romantic connection. Tricia, in the meantime is
slowly coming to life, connecting herself to internet, recharging herself with
the laws extant on robotics and becoming livelier. For meeting the expenses of
completing Tricia and her costly skin to make his robot as close to the human
as feasible, Brad agrees to take part in a drug testing program, of a
mysterious drug, lightning, which can alter ones reality. He also gets arrested
for mechanophilia, improper relation between a human and a robot, leaving
Tricia with the opportunity of coming to the rescue of her creator.
‘RE-WIRED’ by Greg
Dragon, while
providing the reader with a good literary feast, asks some basic questions in
the realm of Artificial Intelligence. The legal validity of creating a robot to
be appropriated as ones girlfriend, whether considering robots as another
species of life is ok, causing death to a robot (of course, this involves
mechanical dismantling) is a cognizable offence, and the possibility of robots
getting a new attribute, amorousness, are some of the rather hazy topics, the
story handles. The main character, the nerd who is always unlucky with women,
reminds me about my college days, especially of the studious ones amongst us.
Greg has a fertile imagination and, together with an easy flowing narration has
produced a very good read.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘‘Rescued Out of the
Shadows’ by B. K. Stubblefield is a collection of short stories inspired by real events, of
rescued dogs coming “out of the shadows” and into light and love. It begins
with two abandoned puppies. How those puppies, Hannah Mae and Honey Bea, find
their way to a loving veterinarian and reach a perfect home. Them there is this
bubbly two year old pup Frodo and its adventures with police. Ellie May, an
abused dog which finds a good home and Rosie, which managed to recover after
being shot badly join the group. Homer, an old dog which finds a sympathetic
home and a rescued puppy Ottis complete the crowd. Mention also is made about Pet
Smart Charities, which has partnered with the shelter; an organization to help
homeless pets all over the country.
‘‘Rescued Out of the
Shadows’ by B. K. Stubblefield presents the stories associated with each pet, evoking
sympathy and candor. In each and every case, the rescue act has been made
possible by the constant involvement and selfless service of some animal lover
with the issue, constant interaction between them being a prerequisite, which
is described poignantly in this book. That is to say, as much important was the
receptive character of the person who recued the dog, as adorable was the nature
of the dog. The narrative gives equal importance to both and is a light,
refreshing read, the rescuers coming out deserving applause and the recued,
recipient of bountiful love. A Good read.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
True Story of ‘PROMISING
FORECAST - a Miracle Rescue at Sea by
Daniel David Jones
is the story of Dave, ‘who never missed a chance to make a dollar’, how he goes
on a canyon trip with four other buddies, at least one of them, Joe, a good
fisherman. Their adventure really begins when the sea turns rough and their
boat sinks, it continues when the mayday responses by the coast guard fails in
locating them, turns into a horrifying experience when they are forced to spent
the better part of night at sea, hanging to a lobster pot and thereafter. How, they pass time by taking turns to recite
their life story, the danger of a cargo ship going straight over them, sighting
search helicopters that happen to miss them, and many other events and
experiences of desperation fills the pages of this book.
True Story of PROMISING
FORECAST - a Miracle Rescue at Sea by Daniel David Jones is a gripping narrative of a few
horrendous moments in the life of the protagonists. They have shown remarkable
degree of survival instinct in combating the dangers faced and have lived to
tell their tale. The mental, physical and spiritual strength of each one is
visible throughout; especially the difficulty, the ‘born again’ faces in
admitting fear of death is depicted in poignant words. With fast paced action
and a very interesting depiction of events, many a time I had to remind myself
that this is a real life story.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Relapse’ by Jake
Anderson begins with
an admission that like a good fisherman, he would have become a proud
alcoholic. But how, before he could become addicted to alcohol, skate board
became his close companion, and his “first addiction”. A horrible accident
separates him from skateboard for ever and he gets involved with fishing more
and more to save his life from despair. He tells about the tragic loss of his
father, how he goes more into fishing. How in that process, he becomes an ace
in handling such vessels and joins part of a popular TV show, falls in love,
and of course with a few more events to follow more or less on expected lines
and some otherwise, is told with élan and makes interesting reading.
‘Relapse’ by Jake
Anderson is an
honest narration, of a life unlucky to have had personal tragedies, but lucky
enough to be always linked with action. Relapse also, is a true reflection of
that fast pace, clearly visible in this written picture. The compulsions that
the author is always haunted with, (“ I wonder if I’ll have the courage to stay
sober”) thoughts about his inadequacy popping up whenever he is in pensive
mood, his penchant to involve in action whenever the demand so arose, and other
facets of his adventurous life makes good reading. Descriptive just enough and
mostly sticking to the point, honest and fast paced, this collection of
experiences tells us a lot about the man and his environs.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Reconciliation &
Suffering: A Brief Perspective on
Western Culture ‘ by Frederick Karl Van
Patten is an
examination of western culture from the philosophical angle. The author, as
someone fascinated by questions such as, Who am I?, Why is there evil? Or, Is
there a god?, was drawn to a study of religion and philosophy, to recognize as
the main themes permeating the western culture, reconciliation and suffering.
Examining the writings of religious thinkers, of philosophers from ancient
Greece, Middle Ages and modern times, Frederick identifies the essence of
western culture as an impulse to reconcile, with a commitment to suffering.
He finds that in eastern
culture also, “suffering” is considered existential. However, In the West,
suffering is the by-product of existence— and it’s inevitable, in the East, the
root cause of suffering is deeper. Suffering exists because of
ignorance—ignorance of the true nature of reality.
‘Reconciliation &
Suffering: A Brief Perspective on
Western Culture ‘ by Frederick Karl Van
Patten presents the
gist of eastern as well as western ideas about this particular aspect of life.
No philosopher of some significance is left without being critically probed, in
aligning the perspective with the theme presented in the book, reconciliation
and suffering. This enabled me to have a new and interesting look at many of
the questions of life, our philosophers generally relish. Simple and easy to
read, this book is a good addition to anyone interested in learning more about
humankind, and, as the author mentions, to answer many a question from curious
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘YouTube : TheRealYouTubeStory.com’ by
EricSkaggs.com is the
true story, as the author puts it, of how he, Eric Skaggs, gave Chad Hurley the
entire idea for YouTube from domain name in exchange for a promise of one
percent of the $40 billion company. It begins when a chance encounter with ‘a
tall guy wearing a baseball cap with a bag slung over his shoulder’, turns into
something more than casual discussions on creating websites, and, other
possibilities and ideas. In the ensuing discussion, the author mentions of the
possibility of creating a website to do many things with videos, which could
potentially become a good earner, thanks to the proliferation of videos and
related development likely to happen in this field. The author readily parts
with the idea, proposing that ‘1% of whatever profit you make, is mine’. This
is accepted, and the idea is taken to its fruition and beyond by Chad Hurley,
who conveniently is forgetful about the 1%, ever since.
‘YouTube : TheRealYouTubeStory.com’ by
EricSkaggs.com is a well
researched work. Each and every loose end about the ‘1% of profit’ agreement
and other communications with Chad Hurley seem to have been well tied up,
except for period between the seeding of the idea and, youtube becoming famous.
Scores of phone calls and visits made by the author to establish the factual
position regarding his involvement with youtube makes interesting reading. Even
as a reviewer, I sympathize with the author for his loss of gain and wish for a
speedy settlement.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Random Thoughts’ by
Jennifer Johnson is
made up of Random Thoughts, Poetry, and Inspirational Quotes. The random
thoughts of the author grace such varied subjects as, ‘What could be keeping my
dog’s mind busy’, or, ‘What, writing really means to me’. Then comes poetic
thoughts of similar vein, ‘Where there is death, there is also life….’, ‘Walls
of stone with history within’ becoming a castle, or, ‘Soul selects her own
society’. The inspirational quotes also cover a lot of topics, from the mundane
to the sublime, for example, “A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The
truth is the truth even if no one believes it.”
’Random Thoughts’ by
Jennifer Johnson are
thoughts from ever racing mind of an author. Truly random and therefore truly
interesting, I found almost all the topics covered offered something new to
ponder. Take her take on prisons. “They get to not work and watch TV and read
all day. Nap when they want to and take more naps… Our justice system needs to
be harsher” Prisons definitely should be harsher than life outside, where, for
everything one has to struggle. However like most other literary giants, the
author has chosen more topics of negative emotions or sardonic humor than what
we encounter in regular writings and with our simple lives. But for these, this
is an easy read, entertaining and educating. The poems, most of which on
emotional bonding, the quotes, many of them inspirational in nature and the
author’s unique views on a bunch of topics, are a real treat.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Ralph Pincus,
Occultist Extraordinaire’ by Marcus Lambert does not fit into an established branch of writing.
Like all acknowledged supernatural thrillers, many of the identifiable
components of such work, like, hidden diabolism, supernatural horrors, other
powers of darkness and exotically beautiful women reside in these pages. But,
these are also intertwined with more earthly and natural human encounters, much
of which being related to sexual exchanges.
‘Ralph Pincus,
Occultist Extraordinaire’ by Marcus Lambert is a story of beyond the world experiences of humans,
vampires and other earthly and unearthly beings. As can be expected from a book
of this genre, the author has succeeded in transporting
the reader to a glamorous era of aristocratic manners, exotically beautiful
women, regally-appointed apartments and other accompaniments. Much of the
ambience provided by the unearthly elements of this story, in fact has been
neutralized by the rather raw exchanges in the sex domain.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
traces the path followed by the famous quiz kids, the protagonists of the
popular radio program of 1940s, the ones who always answer the impossible. A
quiz kid herself, this chronicles how she makes a mark at school and home and the
attempts to bring her to the notice of the quiz management team. How she
applies to quiz kids and becomes an instant hit at seven years of age, completely
writes a book introducing concepts of chemistry to children, by the age of
twelve and the controversies always surrounding fame, are beautifully presented
here. Of course, there are also occasions when she gets caught with her foot in
mouth. Once when the hostess catches her
staring into space, and says. “A penny for your thoughts,” “Oh,” she replies,
“I’m just playing a thinking game that I play when I’m bored.”
She continues with Gerard Darrow, the youngest of the
original Quiz Kids, who had spent a good portion of his final years on welfare,
Joan Bishop, “Chicago’s Versatile Child Prodigy”, Claude Brenner, who was
intriguingly complex personality, Jack Lucal, who became a Jesuit priest,
Margaret Merrick, the kid in crutches, Richard Williams, Joel Kupperman, Lonny
Lunde, Patrick Conlon, Naomi Cooks, Harvey Dytch, and many others.
written to show more of the human souls
safely hiding in the intellectual image of the quiz kids. This book also paints
an honest picture of the trials and tribulations in each ones life, is written dispassionately,
but with sympathy and reading this leaves one, with a lot to cherish.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Planet Magazine’ by
Hitoshi Machida is a
book of photographic plates. Photos showing the many facets of Himalayan
mountain range, scenic beauty and profile of that area, meandering streams and rivers,
and, other natural edifices of great wonder and admiration are the theme of
these pictures. However, not having a small write up or label indicating the
essential details of the subject of these pictures, leaves one in doubt. This
question is appearing with greater force, since many of the pictures are of unforgettable
quality. While placing the photographs sequentially showing author’s journey
through Himalayas, Andaman Islands, South India, Madagascar and Seychelles,
such a label would have enabled one, to identify many of the landmarks and
features that are already seen, and, to appreciate those unseen, an added
source of enjoyment. These issues apart, this is a complete book introducing
one to new, beautiful and must see locations and its features.
‘Planet Magazine’ by
Hitoshi Machida
introduces us to the natural features of these wonderful areas of our world,
with the help of pictures. Each and every picture shows some significant facet
of the natural reliefs or other matters in this area. As mentioned before, with
suitable captions or tallies, I could have identified them easily, being an
Indian, and enjoyed them more. One point, I think merits mentioning, the
presentation of these pictures could have been made more reader friendly, had
they been grouped into different categories, the reader being given a feeling
that he is travelling through these pictures as the author traveled across the
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Painting Moving Water -
Surface Energy’ by Ev Hales focuses
on the kinds of movement that accompany a body of water and explores different
ways to interpret this moving liquid mass as a painting subject. The words
descriptive of the character of moving water, like, pounding waves, burbling
brook, pelting rain, thundering waterfall, rushing river, gurgling stream or
gushing fountain evokes a visual image and associated rhythmic element. When
translated into a painting, Ev mentions the importance of the elements of
painting, the brush, canvas, paint etc, taking part in presenting the rhythmic
element appropriately. Techniques to be employed, for different painting
surfaces, various brushes as well as for different water surfaces are
discussed. Attention is paid even for such subtle but important issues like,
when to paint water first, using brush marks to differentiate areas, what color
should represent water and when, and, using shore line to create the desired
‘Painting Moving Water -
Surface Energy’ by Ev Hales
is a helpful book for those attempting to paint water surface related scenes.
Having attempted painting myself, I can appreciate the difficulty one will feel
in bringing the ‘character’ of the subject to the painting, however accurate
ones selection of colors be. With the advices given by Ev on matters related to
other areas of painting, like selection of brush, adopting appropriate stroke,
choosing canvas type, or adding depth, this book can become another companion
for a painter. Good plates and a large number of examples do add to its value.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
Sense of Religious Conflict’ By Paula Fouce begins with a vivid description of the pandemonium,
aftermath of the killing of Mrs Indira Gandhi, prime minister of India, in 1984
gave vent to. She happened to witness many horrific incidents, of Sikhs being
attacked and murdered, looting and arson of a big scale, president’s (who
happened to be a sikh) car being attacked, and many others of great repugnance.
This made her enter into a long journey through the spiritual essence of India,
recollecting the many impressions left by previous visits as well as letting
fresh impressions evolve, by making new visits. There is hardly a part in India
that she hasn’t visited to experience herself, especially the spiritual makeup.
From the abodes of the Yogis, Swamis and others in Himalayas, the Jewish and
their synagogue, Budhism, Jainism and other practices from the ancient,
influence from other cultures like the Chinese, and the modern challenges from
the Jihadis, no aspect of the violence or the efforts to quell violence in our
society is left untouched, in her attempt to an answer.
Sense of Religious Conflict’ By Paula Fouce exhorts India to take a prime role in saving human
society. Reminding us of the importance Asoka as well as Akbar felt towards
religious tolerance and the path shown by Mahatma Gandhi, she ends with a quote
from ancient scriptures of India. “The different religions are like lotus flowers. They rise
from the murky depths, and when they finally reach the sunlight they bloom.
When a lotus opens, it represents spiritual awakening. No two buds are alike,
and no one blossom is more beautiful then another. They all celebrate the
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Not All Americans Are
Racist’ by Nicole Weaver is a combination of an autobiography, a political commentary and, an
appeal to young people to usher America into a new society. Unlike the stories
of the injustice, the backs’ stories tell, her takes on life, resonate with
grit. “..we can waste tremendous amount of energy allowing other people’s
ignorance deter us from making our dreams come true, or we can align ourselves
with those people that extend a hand to
help us move forward in life. I chose the latter.” Teaching in schools after
schools, working with principals who are out to show that she is unfit to
teach, as well as others, who were greatly helpful and encouraging, handling
students who are plainly racist, as well as others who were more than kind to
her, she is finding her resolve to see more amicable racial relations ushered
in America, becoming stronger.
‘Not All Americans Are
Racist’ by Nicole Weaver is more or less a balanced view of the American society. “I will forever
remain thankful that I set foot in United States’, she says “where all dreams
can be made true by hard work and perseverance”. Learning a new language and
its culture, she rightly identifies, has the potential to ease race relations.
This is a captivating book, more than the visible elements of discrimination
that may upset one emotionally, the unseen and latent factors affecting better
race relations that are difficult to erase, is discussed profusely. Well done,
Nicole Weaver.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘North Carolina aviatrix Viola Gentry
- The Flying Cashier’ by Jennifer Bean Bower begins with the birth of Viola in 1894, a tomboyish
girl, whose pranks include running away to join a circus with some local boys
and getting caught. She gets into a marriage of her own choice which ends in a
divorce and happens to shift to Florida. There she comes across airplanes and
gets deeply attached to flying, works hard and make enough money to meet her
lessons, goes to New York, makes a mark as the first woman to fly under Brooklyn
and Manhattan bridges and breaks the endurance flying record for women. Her
flying lessons being supported from her income for working as a cashier, earns
the appellation, The Flying Cashier.
‘North Carolina
aviatrix Viola Gentry - The Flying Cashier’ narrates the highs and lows in the childhood of this
ordinary girl who rose to extraordinary heights. Also can be seen in this book the
many instances of carefree humor from this crazy lady. Imagine working hard for
months to burn the full earnings in a few minutes! I can’t but mention the
unfortunate landing of this lady in a lunatic asylum, when she gets a feeling
that she is “right there”, where she “belonged”.
Publishing her memoir, “Hangar Flying”, at the age of eighty
adds to her long list of achievements. The author has certainly succeeded in
presenting the many and varied facets of her life, much of it worthy of
adoration and some evoking sympathy. Good collection of photographs of
memorable events of the past makes this wonderful biography, even more
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
‘Never Too Late’ by Harold
J. Fischel begins
with Clint Crawley, who happen to bump into his old friends at a recent reunion
and is shocked by the news of an impending financial disaster, finding his
business threatened by banks. And one of those friends, an old flame from his
high school days, Sharleen, uses her connections with the underworld, in
helping him. Clint’s wife dies, he meets Sharleen off and on to her husband’s
annoyance and finally, they decide to move together to start a new life at
Bermuda. There they ‘continue to be a magnet for people with strange stories’,
like Ana with a disadvantaged and mentally challenged young man, Mike, or Nina,
a woman rescued from a local modeling agency which actually is involved with
human trafficking .
‘Never Too Late’ by Harold
J. Fischel is many
novels compressed into one. Quite a few of the characters, who could be seen to
be part of Sharleen’s life, can very well have their independent existence. She
interacts with a variety of people from different walks of life, and in each
instance, the association leads to desirable inputs from her as well as happy
reactions from them, establishing her strong character. With a narration that
is deft and absorbing and a plot that is rich in its variety and content, I got
the feeling that the eventful lives pictured in the novel finished too soon.
This prompts me to say, ‘It is always too early, to finish Never Too Late’.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
collection of short stories. He begins with his take on Hitler, an entirely new
and ‘earthly’ look at one of the most fearsome despots of all times. Plots
like, examining the blow-cold, blow-hot attitude of a gentleman called Jerry
towards his cats as well as his family members, or, examining Lee Harvey Oswald
afresh as one of the most suspicious looking characters since very old days,
follows thereafter. In all the stories, the author presents a distinctly
different version of the event in question. Many of the stories deal directly with
issues always affecting our society. For example, the story ‘princess’
describes an incident involving childhood rape, and how the wrong person can
land up with confinement.
GREGERSEN is a good
book to read. The author’s choice of themes covers almost all aspects of life,
making this assortment of story snippets a good reference for anyone interested
in understanding more about life. For a clear appreciation of the ways we take
to look at life in our society, in any case, short story is a good medium, which
is also exemplified very well in this collection. I therefore think, it will be
a worthy addition to ones library.
Who, after reading the
following exchange from this collection can think otherwise?
“Hi, I’m Morris. You
probably don’t know me; I’m visiting for the first time. I just wanted to see if… Um… I just wanted to
see if Micheal D. is still here. He’s
came in here three years ago and I haven’t seen him yet.”
“And you are?”
“I’m Morris, I’m his
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
by Laura Burke
begins with Eric Masson of New York police, who is toying with the idea of
turning into a private investigator, and is offered a case by an FBI agent. The
case is of a woman, eighteen year old Louise German, who went missing twenty
years back. The investigation takes Eric first to Orlando, followed by many
other places to meet family and friends of the missing girl. While on one of
his initial trips, he comes across a pretty blonde, Tara, who instantly gets
excited by the persona of Eric, with him reciprocating even better. The
investigations proceed with a lot intrigue and passion, much contributions of
it from Tara as well, leading to a climax.
by Laura Burke is a
tale glibly told. It has all the essentials of a good mystery as well as
certain character elements added to make the sensuality of the book, stand out.
However, as Laura has succeeded in linking all the characters of this novel closely
with one another and with the theme, the added elements mix well with the plot.
Many of the events and scenes of this book have the potential to be
hair-raising, like the way Eric gets admitted to hospital. Tara’s involvement
in this case and the talent she displays for careful observations and help to
the police team is worth the mention. This is a fast paced story, the mystery
and suspense well saved till the end.
Reviewed by Roy T James for Reader's Favorite
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