A Life full of Issues
I am writing this in connection with a couple of questions that should have been arresting the attention of the thinkers among us, the most. One is, why is human society stuck to a path of self-destruction? Unless we take timely preventive or corrective action, all things go from bad to worse. And the other is, why is human life, so full of issues? Where lies the problem?
Issues lead to Corrections, and Corrections lead to Issues
I think, one peculiarity, a curious twist in our outlook, attitude, or mentality, though is widely known and well acknowledged, is yet to garner our undivided attention. Each of us need constant monitoring, especially, if something has to come from us in a flawless manner. For, unless closely monitored and reacted appropriately, not only that our current issues will worsen, but also, fresh ones will crop up. Also, more importantly, unless kept updated, the mechanism of monitoring itself becomes ineffective, very soon. Understandably, as a consequence, everywhere, the prevailing ambience of tranquility and discipline shall fade away soon, making the very identity of human society, one of turbulence. Of course, we are not unaware of this. There is nobody who does not feel that human way of life needs urgent correction. I too, agree, just as all our forefathers would have been doing all the time. So, every self-destructive path we happen to come to follow is, one intended to combat an issue. Obviously a such a path will create more issues than what it solves.
Have a glance at our history. There is no one who has not attained greatness, after suggesting a measure for improving the human. Also, having attained greatness, there is no one who did not propose a new path for making the human a better one. So, since the earliest of times, someone has been guiding and advising the human in correcting themselves. In spite of all these efforts, the issues persist. Why? Are we addressing the issues correctly? Or, is it an issue of not correctly identifying the issues to address? Either way, aren’t we correcting incorrectly, making, every issue we face as nothing but a correction that was done in the past!
Now, What is Incorrect?
At this juncture, the first question that comes to me is this. What do we do when we recognize or consider something as an issue that requires attention? Presently, and since long, our approach to this question involves a few steps. One, classify and name the issues that are found, imaginatively and with relevance to the current times. Two, accord priorities and formulate corrective action, and direct our efforts in accordance with those. Three, widely disseminate the results, and let all people derive all the benefits from all of the above.
I agree, we are more or less successful in liquidating the issues that arise, especially those belonging to the world of the nonliving. Quite logically, we continue in the same manner in other areas too, and, if necessary, with added vigor. Thus, the same is the approach we entertain, when we encounter an issue with any living entity. Now, if we are not able to derive success with comparable ease, when the issue pertains to ourselves, what is the first suspect? Naturally, we ourselves, or the approach we take while addressing issues.
Look closer. Almost every right-thinking individual has been finding something wrong with us and suggesting remedial measures. Not only that we diligently incorporate all those suggestions, wherever we can, but also shape our future generations to accommodate these, and much more, in their lives. However, neither has anyone, ever questioned our approach, nor was there any investigation or assessment in that direction. (And, since we constantly shout with all our might, human style of doing things is unique and the best, we may not get at all, an opportunity to notice it.)
I therefore think, there is no fault with us. And, there is a lot of it, as far as our approach go. To make this idea a bit more clear, let me re-examine all that takes place with an issue.
The Mistake, We Missed
Again, look closely. Every issue shall continue to appear to one as a new one, including the ones that would have been persisting for long. Agree, all of those shall be dealt with, perhaps for the full satisfaction of the current generation. The propensity to persist shall continue unaddressed, and the issue shall be reappearing soon. Then we take the issue into account, but as another fresh one. The current generation of humans devote their time and effort to address the issue, and it goes on. But, we do not register the fact that there are far too many new issues at all times, since we already reached a conclusion that human race is a violent one. And, taking pride in our unique position among all forms of life, we let all those fresh issues intimidate us. (Interestingly, we take a lot of interest and struggle incessantly till we solve an issue for good, if it affects other forms of life as well.) As a result, the persistence of issues do not get the attention it deserves.
And, Blind Correction Worsens It
Yes, we are taking great efforts to identify and pin down an issue that we recognize as one. And we are leaving no stone unturned in finding effective remedies to all of those. We are also according the highest status to those of us who spend their time and effort in finding answers, naming them as holy men, saints, or other leaders of great worth.
Still, these persist, and our society remains as unruly as ever. Why? Why should human society be indifferent to a remedy? Quite in contrast, in all other areas, be it of lifeless objects, or living ones other than ourselves, each remedy we adopt, delivers a result. Otherwise, we institute new remedies. Effectively, every such encounter re-validates our position as intelligent beings.
But, in our own case, either the remedy is wrong or unsuitable, or we are applying it improperly. Also, no other form of life is facing an issue like this, and, each of those is able to find necessary solutions to problems that arise. Disregarding this, we nonchalantly continue repeating the same remedy. Effectively, every encounter from the social angle undermines our position as intelligent beings.
So, Our Cure Needs a Cure!
Let us think of our remedy. Each of us is constantly bombarded by a stream of remedial measures, be it from the political bosses, theological stalwarts, literary greats, or those embracing other areas like science. It looks highly unlikely that all those remedial measures will simultaneously turn incorrect.
Now, let us think of our style of application of remedy. One thing immediately strikes me. Though each remedy may be far different from the other one, we administer all of those in the same manner, which is quite unlike it is in all other areas of both animate and inanimate objects.
So, in a casual glance, one thing emerges from the above. We need to analyze the whole gamut of remedy, especially its application, with a fresh mind. Should it be the same, when we deal with inanimate objects, and those with life? Should it be the same for humans and non-humans? Also, should it be the same, whatever be the issue?
I think, our current idea about these things is that it is the same. Also, same was our idea, so far. Which can be summarized broadly as sequential execution of three independent steps. Namely, identification of issue, analysis and making a plan of action, and conclusion or implementation of the plan. And, it is where, the fault lie. We should be following different ways and means to address and correct the issues in each of these areas, namely, inanimate objects, animate objects other than the human, and the human. Interestingly, for everything other than correcting issues, like teaching, communicating, or relaxing, we adopt differing styles and techniques for each of those areas.
I agree, the ‘time tested’ approach of solving issues, the one consisting of identification, analysis, and conclusion, is doing exceedingly well, as far as our foray into the non-living world go. We also have not been able to notice any shortcoming in it, as far as all forms of life other than the human go. (If we start looking for shortcomings, situation need not be the same!) But, when it comes to the human, we have been finding plenty of shortcomings. However, we continue with the same approach, a couple of peculiarities being there that makes us overlook all shortcomings. One is, without any qualm, every time we meet a roadblock, we use the same approach with added viguor. Where that does not work, we quietly amend our aims and ambitions. If we are still left with shortcomings, we change the remedy, though it would have been working wonders, everywhere else. And we rationalize all this, saying, man is a unique form of life.
So, the conclusion one can reach is this. Humans are successful in their attempts to find and rectify issues. When that is about the issues about themselves, since the method rectification is incorrect, there is no success. If this does not lead us to a destructive outcome, what else will it do?
My Cure – Correct Correctly
So, it is more or less imperative that we now pay attention to what we have been ignoring all along. Namely, as mentioned before, the persistence of issues. We know, each of the cures we have amassed over the past, address specifically an issue. And, none of those consider the peculiarities, preferences, or compulsions, of those at the receiving end of the cure. Consequently, cures will not function well, at least, not as good as it does in the nonliving world.
Therefore, similar to the ‘time tested’ approach of identification, analysis, and a conclusion that includes both the incorporation and appreciation of correction, we need to formulate a distinct approach for solving issues that arise in the living world, especially that of humans.
Why do issues persist? Just as there could be some peculiarity with an issue that makes it persist, there could be something untoward in the way an issue is dealt with, which might be making it persist.
I agree, we are successful in tackling the issues we face, as far as the nonliving world go, and also for all the living ones other than ourselves. In both the cases, while deciding on the appropriateness of our effort, not only that we think of the receiving end of the correction, but also, we think of the receiving end’s appreciation of the correction. Or, we think on behalf of both the correcting and the receiving ends. We cannot, and we do not seek the opinion of the receiving end, before applying a correction or remedy. Effectively, we are following the same style, while tackling issues that pertains to the human.
A Suggestion -
My doubt is, firstly, are we addressing the issues correctly? And, is there an issue of not identifying correctly, the issues to address? Secondly, shouldn’t a correction have a life? For, isn’t it well known? If we continue with a correction even after neutralizing the original cause that led to it, it could lead to a new issue. We need to devise a fresh approach to face and correct the issues that arise in the domain of the human.
I mentioned at the start of this paper, every self-destructive path we happen to come to follow is, one that was intended to combat an issue. Presumably, every issue was solved, as we are intelligent ones from the very beginning. Notice, had we been giving due credence to it and reverted to a suitable path, perhaps the one that was the one prior to the very genesis of the issue, our life would have been flowing again in a normal way. But we disregarded all this. We rarely made an attempt to identify and find the link between paths and issues and adopt a suitable one. As a result, effectively, we have always been continuing merrily with a random path. Naturally, fresh issues will develop. All this points to the need of a unique lifestyle, which will direct our life to an appropriate path at all times.