Monday, June 10, 2019


I have heard this repeated often, alcohol, in moderate amounts is good for health, while being a social stimulant. Hence I read with great interest, a study about drinking that put this view to test
Where, the researchers looked at the standard model of research for moderate drinking studies – dividing people into never drinkers, moderate drinkers, and heavy drinkers – to find that moderate drinkers were the healthiest of the bunch. And they did one more thing. Something really clever. They added in some more parameters. Like socio-economic status, and healthy lifestyle. Now they find, people who are in a comfortable economic status follow a healthy lifestyle, while being moderate drinkers. One can therefore say, these people are moderate drinkers for the sake of health, and not otherwise.
I feel, in such a case, rather than a full fledged attack on drinking, which may incur great costs, why don't we look for improving the socio economic status, at the same cost.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Book Review: The Creation Story: Mrs G Intervenes, by David Pearce.

This book is about G, creation, and Mrs G. It begins by exploring the ‘event horizon’ before time itself is to begin. What triggered the big bang? Was God playing with matches, fireworks, and the fantastic results from those?
While discussing these questions the author mentions that as God is already married, Mrs G has a part to play. Many of the finer elements of the Big Bang would contain the signature of Mrs G. How Mrs G foresees the blatant sexism that is to befall on mankind if G is to go ahead with the depiction of the female sex as it was planned. Not withstanding the cold shoulders, how Mrs G contributes to the beauty of creation by suggesting the inclusion of plains, valleys, sandy beaches, nightingales, and all. Also, how her ideas get overlooked routinely, resulting in many instances of disharmony, the cause of much of the troubles to follow.
Well written book, deeply enjoyable, while it offers a new twist to known ideas.

A Thought

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