Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Thought about Evolution

I keep getting a nagging feeling that we are looking at evolution, upside down. The so called 'lower organisms', who are capable of meeting all the challenges of their life, and who needs hardly any hardware compared to the lofty ones, could in reality, be the one's at the farther end. A recent paper published by Youssef Belkhadir, a noted biologist, not only is supporting my doubts, but also suggesting that plants could have evolved even later!
Plants need to be smarter than animals. They, tethered to the ground, and who cannot escape to a less unfriendly environment through locomotion, need to constantly deal with whatever comes their way. Either, smartly adopting to the site of their birth, till their death, or acting in such a manner as to make the environment friendly for living and progression. That is, act in such manner, which could invite or encourage the other 'superior' versions of life to look after your welfare. Isn't this a smarter move than the smart ways, the superior versions choose to look after themselves?

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